Hurt Result

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Dean's POV
The medics took Alicia in on a stretcher just about as soon as I walked in,I don't know what happened but it really must have gotten to her...WHERE THE HELL WAS OR IS ROMAN IS MY QUESTION!

I pulled my phone out and called him,he better have a good explanation to why he wasn't here!



"Home why?"



"I don't know some crowd was around her at some plaza a good bit away from your house when I pulled in I saw the crowd then when I walked in I saw Alicia,she was completely  out of it when I asked her what was going on she barley got anything out bridge she just collapsed."

"I'll be there as fast as I can,just keep me updated."

"Just hurry and bring your a** before the hospital GLADLY host their own funeral with the dead man,YOU!"

A few minutes later Roman came rushing in with JoJo by his side,he didn't wanna see her get upset but knew he couldn't keep her at the house alone.

"AMBROSE,where is she,is she okay?"

"Hi Uncle Ambrose." JoJo said running and hugging his leg.

"Oh hey there JoJo,shouldn't you miss missy be in school." He said with a chuckle.

"Nope we're on break and mommy...

"And JoJo wanted to come down here...any word for the doc?"

Right when Dean was about to respond one of the doctors came out of the office. "Excuse me,Is anyone here for Mrs.Alicia Love?"

"You go ahead,I'll watch little miss here." Dean whispered.

Roman gave him a small smile before heading over and following the nurse.

"Okay well there's nothing serious from what we've checked,l...Mr Reigns were you aware that she he a panic disorder?"

",I didn't...she never told me that."

"Well now you know,gladly today was only a panic attack but we've also seen that shes low on food vitals she needs...meaning we had to feed her threw a straw while she's out for a bit,when she gets out you need to make sure this is prevented less stress and enough food,if not...she's that low that the next accident could lead to death."

Roman couldn't find the words to say all he could do was nod slowly.

"Visitors are able to come in,room 307."

"Thank you."


As Roman neared her room his heart continued to race, all that replayed in his head was what he'd said to her earlier then the call he's gotten from Dean... "Is fault." Taking a deep breathe he slowly opened the door,he saw her lying there fast asleep with the machines beeping and going at their own pace. 

He slowly walked over to the bed grabbing one of the chairs,the tears started falling from his eyes. He gently took her hand into his.

She was facing the other at with her back to him,she slowly started to stir up thinking it was Dean.

"D...Dean...why do they hate me....why does Roman hate me...I'm not the person they say I am...far from it....they said I killed the baby...maybe I did but I didn't mean to...they said I threatened Roman's family...I didn't...they said... They... As tears fell from her eyes she couldn't get the rest of the words out.

Roman couldn't bare to listen to anything else was he hurt yes but it killed him worse of half of what she's jus said.

"Baby I don't hate you...I never could."

The sound of his voice made her heart jump,she started to feel as if she was in a closed box or something holding her breathe thinking it would help her calm down but only made things worse.

"Baby,baby calm down,look at me,breathe,it's okay,I'm not gonna hurt you."

She turned towards him fully now controlling her breathing but still shaking with nerves.

"Baby I'm sorry for what I said earlier,I honestly truly didn't mean it,maybe it was just my mind just saying things but I don't and have never seen you that way,I didn't realize you were that hurt from everything that has happened to you...if I've failed you by the times I've said I'll always be there I'm sorry,you mean everything to me and the last thing I wanna do is lose you...I should have been there with you but I let you walk out,I'm sorry Alicia...I'm sorry."

"Roman...I...I forgive you...they were all...surrounded,questions an- her words trailed off when she felt herself starting to feel sick but not able to move feeling completely numb. " you Ro." Her eyes shut and the machine beside her just starting making all kinds of noises.

"BABY...ALICIA,WAKE UP." He gently shook her but there was no response,nurses started rushing in some pushing Roman aside who stood ready to just completely break down,the next thing he knew he was being pushed out of the room hearing he can't be in there...

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