Meeting Madison

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The next day Alicia had already left for FL earlier that morning and was currently in the performance center chatting with Carmella waiting for the others training to come in,there were other NXT stars there also.

"Girlie you've been on this crazy streak ever since moving up to the main roster, 2 time divas champion,how you doin?"

"Carmella I'm doing quit well myself,feelin like a star, and if not correct its 3 time." (I think,bad when you can't even remember what you wrote)

"I'd be better if Mr red head wanna be wasn't starting crap backstage every week knowing NO ONE WANTS HER STINKIN BAD ATTITUDE SELF HERE! I OUTTA STATEN ISLAND SHUFFLE ON HER FACE!"

"Oh god,I can't stand Eva,I feel your pain,I hear you're having a match against her Wednesday,you ready to show her who the hottest and most fabulous diva of NXT with a little Jersey attitude."

"Oh girl,yes!" She jumped up to her feet pulling her hair out of her ponytail. "Badda bing hottest chick in the ring,how,YOU doin!?" She threw her hands up doing her usual pose.

Alicia jumped up taking her poney tail out. "WHAT SHE SAID." They both started laughing as they pulled their hair back again.

"You mean you don't have a catchphrase!?"

"Nope...I mean I thought but...yea I thought,i do somepretty good promos."

"You've got the look,and heart but now you need a little feistiness,attitude and a catchphrase and I'm gonna help you out girly."

"I'm down,I know you've got it under control mrs cheetah diamond."

"BOOM! That's right!"

The center started to fill with people most likely other trainers and staff along with some of the other wrestlers.

"ALI! What's up mrs love long time no see." Jason said walking up giving her a quick hug.

"J,it's been so long,and I know,but I've seen some of your matches." Here's a thing,Jason and Alicia actually did have a 'slight' relationship while she was in NXT he was sorta the main guy she talked to,they did have crushes on each other have admitting it but they both never really felt it was good or could find a moment to admit it,but ever since she's moved to the main roster they've talked every once in a while and he gives her a few tips and so on.

"So you ready to help determine the future for a soon to be diva."

"Eh,I'm not gonna get cocky or anything but ah,I am divas champ so."

"OH! She's got the confidence now okay,I see you Ali...speaking of training,here she comes."

Looking the direction he was looking she watched as this girl who looked about the same height,light brown hair,brown eyes and a wwe performance center shirt, a pair of workout shorts and white and black chucks.

"Damn,haven't seen you for a while Ali and working with her,I'd say you two were almost twins." Carmella whispered nudging Alicia

" Milla...don't mention the words twin."

"Oh my gosh,I can't believe this day is happening,you're seriously my idol,my names Madison of my ring name Madi and I really really am excited to have this evaluation one step closer to being a diva!" She wrapped his arms around Alicia pulling her into a hug,over her shoulder she eyed Carnella with raised eyes her only mouthing "good luck." And walking off.

Breaking away from the hug Alicia readjusted the title on her shoulder glancing back up to Madison who stood there with this huge grin.

"Madison I've heard so much about you,ever since i got the call about helping a rising wwe diva I was stoked and now I get to finally meet who they call the Bubbly Fran,well just around backstage?"

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