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"Alicia,baby girl please pick up the phone,I'm sorry about what I said I just need to talk to you,please pick up baby."

5 voicemails later and she hasn't replied to anything,text,call... Damn it Reigns why did you even let that slip knowing you didn't mean it,she's been threw a lot like she said...I know we're meant to be...some things just need to be...changed,something.

How could he call me a bitc* I am anything but that and selfish how in the hell am I selfish EVERYTHING I've ever done has been for other people if anything it's myself coming last.

I felt my phone vibrate,I checked my notification tab, another voicemail from Roman,I'm not even gonna bother listening he said what he had to say and he knows he meant every last bit of it.

Even though I didn't really know my way around Pensacola, FL much luckily there was a food court right across the street. Maybe that could get my mind off things

Alicia had just ordered her a frappé and sandwich when some lady came up to her.

"Excuse me but are you Alicia Love,the WWE diva?"

Alicia wasn't sure as to why she was amusing but still reponded. "I am,I'm just down here until I'm able to get back on the road."

"IT'S HER! YOU WERE RIGHT!" After she yelled that a sworm of people with cameras,videos records everything crowded around her.

"Alicia is it true that you personally invaded Romans mom house when he was visiting her and his father!?"

"Alicia is it true that you rudely approached Mrs Pat not even saying a word to her first."

"Do you wanna explain to us why you threatened Roman if he left you you would verbally attack his whole family including his daughter!"

"Why would you purposely kill your baby you were supposed to have!?"

"Little innocent isn't so innocent anymore,do you know how many people look up to you your trader!?"

The crowd of people and all the questions being thrown her way was only making her nervous and dizzy none of that was true,why would they be asking her these things.

"Mrs Alicia may we have a picture?" Feeling a tap on her shoulder she turned around only for a cold coffee to be thrown directly in her face,if she stood there any longer she would just have a full panic attack,she tried pushing her way through the crowd but people processed to shove her back

everything was getting blurry,she suddenly felt this tight grip on her arm pulling her threw the crowd and out the shop. She still could hardly make out anything,her breathing becoming uncontrollably.

"Alicia,what the hell was going on in there,are you okay?" It was Dean,how was he on that part of FL already she didn't know but she was glad she was out of the crowd.

"Dean I d- she felt completely dizzy now,the world was spinning and she could feel her legs giving out before everything went black.

"ALICIA!" Dean managed to catch her before she hit the ground, his heart stopped beating. "Come on stay with me Ali." He picked her up fully into his arms and carried her to his car. He laid her in the backseat before getting in himself heading to Roman's. 

"Stay with me Ali,just stay with me,I swear if you die on me I will be the one to hunt you in your dreams! DON'T YOU LEAVE US ALICIA!"

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