I'm Back!

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"Anytime you're ready to come back,please waste no time,you're the real deal Ali and we truly miss but take your time."

The words Steph told her continued to replay In her head,well why not,I feel like I'm ready,I've married the guy of my dreams,things have happened,bad and good and at the end I've learned after every experience. Now,I'm ready to get back in action. Monday Night Raw...May 31,Greenville,what a great way to return,home.

"Dean,do we honestly have what it takes to beat both Wyatts tonight,especially after this weekend live event."

"Wait a minute,am I hearing Roman Reigns doubt the team of The Lunatic and mr superman...REIGNS...I know you miss Ali already but YOU need to keep your head focused and straight,we've beaten them before and we WILL do it again tonight."

"Kinda sucks,we're back at her home area and she can't be here."


"Alright,alright geez just cool it, I'm good...brotha,let's prepare for the family war,REUNION!"

"Ambrose Asylum,Roman Empire,LET'S RAGE!" They both fist bumped leaving out the locker room finishing their promo but continuing to keep their adrenaline and hypeness up.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are back live on Monday Night Raw Now in the ring,our newest divas Champion Nikki Bella,it's about time we've got a real champ."

"What are you talking about Cole,tell me I just didn't hear that! Alicia's been out for a while Handling personal business and she gave the title to Marti who we all have seen highly improve, 52 days then Nikki decides to fake an injury during the match and cheap shot her."

"EXACTLY BOOKER! And we all saw her talking to the ref before the match backstage something is up and we all know Marti should still be champion,end of discussion." Jerry added (in this book Jerry is still on Raw because he's my absolute fav commentator along with Booker and Cole is just...can you not.

"Wow I finally got what I rightfully deserved back in good hands you want to boo me... because you still don't know what a real woman looks like! for months I held the title and I had a snatched from some little girl you call a hero! Are you kidding me!... jealous? No,because I know everyone wants to be a Bella,and now I'm gonna prov-

"There's an "S" under my clothes
On my chest where nobody else can see
I light up when the doors are closed
I am free."

The arena erupted into cheers from all over as they saw her video tron,Alicia,skipping out she stopped at the top of the ramp looking all over the arena,signs,belts raised,everyone just giving her a warm welcome back especially back in her home. Making her at down the ramp she slapped hands with the fans near by. She stopped at the seating area right side across from the ring where her sister and mom stood with the biggest smiles on their faces,they didn't even know she would be returning.

She gave them both hugs before she made another round around the ring greeting all the other fans.

As she slid into the ring with a mic "welcome back" chants started only making her smile even more,taking off her SnapBack she tossed  it towards the fans where this little girl in a Roman Reigns top caught and started jumping up and down.

"Nikki I...wow I can't believe I'm saying this but... you're right I'm not just the woman in fact I'm not even close to the woman you are."

"What? you finally listen to me, wow just when I was going to insult you guess your little vacation knock some sense into you."

"Yeah it did in you guys I'm sorry for being gone for so long I seriously have miss this place especially you guys the support you guys give me how amazing you fans are rather you hate me or night you guys are the reason I'm still here to this day and keeping the little bit of sanity I have left." She said with smirking to herself.

"That's right you guys she just loves you so much adults and teens little girls little boys, she loves EVERYONE last one of you! support,even the little babies oh wait I guess you could have another baby support but we all know you...just couldn't Handel someone coming into this world who would make it to this business when they grow and up and be someone people could actually look up to...unlike you."

Once Nikki said that Alicia's smile completely faded. She strormed up closer to Nikki to where she was almost nose to nose. "You leave that out of your mouth,you know nothing about what happened and you wouldn't because you're too much of a wh- stopling herself Alicia looked down towards the ground,a small smirk appearing then just full laughter,lifting her head she eyed Nikki as she swung the mic from side to side still laughing.

"What the hell is so funny...see guys,she's crazy,see what I've been telling you all since day 1."

"That's right Nikki...I'm crazy...crazy for redemption...and tonight,you've got my first stage of redemption and I want it back."

"Oh what you mean my title,that I rightfully won,are you kidding me,you went bye bye on your own for months and your little best friend couldn't even keep it,for how many days,sad."

"Nikki...last time I checked...the number six was a great number...well for us that is,remember April 23,2012...you bickerd with your sister so much which led to you losing the title that fast and did it again the Raw after...wow your just a selfish vindictive unappreciated...bitc*!"

"YOU KNOW WHAT! Bring up my past why don't you! You think I care little girl,I see what you're doing and I'm not stupid but...I will go along,you want your title match tonight,right now,right here...WELL YOU GOT IT LET'S GO! And don't cry too much when I embarrass you!"

Once a ref came to the ring Nikki didn't bother handing him the title she put it in her corner thinking she was gonna win.

Once the bell rings Alicia jumps on Nikki sending her die to the mat nailing punches until Nikki is able to shove her off then quickly crawling to the corner holding onto the rope.


"HEY NIKKI!" Once she looked up Alicia procedded to mock Nikki's booty shake she died when entering the ring earning laughs and some whistles from the crowd.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" She tried taking Alicia down with a running clothesline but Alicia doges of with a back bridge.

Before she could get herself back up Nikki kicked her in the mid section making her fall to the Mat.

"THINK YOU'RE SO BAD NOW HUH!?" She dropped down climbing onto Alicia slamming her head over and over into the mat then nailing a slap before crawling off.

"THAT'S why I'M THE CHAMP!" Nikki walked over yanking Alicia up by the hair. "LOOK AT ME! THIS IS WHAT A REAL CHAMP LOOKS LI- Alicia cut her off with a big slap to the face,with Nikki looking the other direction kneeling down on one knee holding her face Alicia pulled herself up seeing the position Nikki was in she ran to the opposite rope bouncing off and nailing her with a scissor kick to the back of the head. Not wasting any time she climbed onto Nikki's back,grabbing her arms to where they formed and X and pulled locking in the straight jacket camel clutch.

The ref dropped down automatically asking Nikki does she wanna quit who only yelled and screamed demanding Alicia let go which only made her pull harder.

Finally Nikki starts to yell "I quit!" With her hand barley on the mat she started tapping. As soon as fire starter filled the arena meaning Alicia had won she jumped up running over and grabbing the title and raising it high in the air. She slid out of the ring and made her way to where her mom and sister sat where she was welcomed with quick hugs and pats on the shoulder from fans around.

"REDEMPTION ROUND 1 DONE!" Before heading backstage she stood at the top of the ramp raising the title high above her head. "I'M BACK!"

Yours To Hold (2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora