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"Roman...I ah...I have to tell you something."

"Sure,what's going on baby girl?" He lifted her up placing her on his lap ready to hear what she had to say.

"Well...Ive been sick the past few weeks...well 2 weeks ago I took a test with Paige and...well...mainly...are you ready to be a father?"


"Roman please calm down,I'm sorry!" She cried starting to fear his temper.

"SORRY FOR BEING A LITTLE SLUT!" He pushed her into crawling over her making exact eye contact.

"Roman,I didn't even want this! I can go to the doctors and get an ab-

"OF COURSS YOU WOULD YOU DUMB SLUT,I GET WHY MY MOM HATES YOU!" Standing up he yanked her up shoving her into the wall back first gripping her hands over her head. He lifted his hand ready to swing and.....

Romans pov:
Another night of spears and punches done,Bray didn't expect that but he better believe he's got more hell coming to him.  I felt the bed move from my right side sorta startling me since it was so quiet,I sat up tuning to Alicia,she was tossing and turning mumbling in her sleep.

I placed my hands on her shoulder gently shaking her.  "Alicia,baby girl,wake up." She suddenly shot up almost falling off the bed,her hair was all over and she was covered in sweat her breathing heavy and unusually.

"Baby,it's okay,calm down it was just a dream."

"Roman!" She threw her arms around me lying her head on my chest. "I am so sorry Roman,I really am!"

"Baby girl what do you mean,you didn't do anything?"

"Roman...I'm sorry,I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" Whatever that dream was really had her shook up. Before I could respond she pulled away jumping out of the bed and running to the bathroom.

She's been acting stance for the last few weeks and she hasn't said a word..something's up and I need to find out...

Tonight...Smackdown...I'm on the match card but there's no way I can compete...especially after the lecture Paige gave matter how just mind all over I am about this...I can't take any chances...maybe I need to just...suck it up and tell Roman...but what if he freaks out...leaves me... Alright Alicia,stop psyching yourself out... Taking a deep breathe I knocked on the door of Stephanie's office.

"Come in!" She called, I walked in and gave her a slight smile. "Hey Steph."

"Hey Ali,I received your needed to talk to me as to why you can't compete tonight."

"Ah yea...I'm sorry this was a last minute call I'm but...I just can't take...any chances."

"Well you know I'm always here for ya Ali,you can take your time,I'm all ears." She gave her an assuring smile.

I nervously but my lip as I took in another deep breath before looking back at her. "Steph,I have so much planned along with goals and change for this division as divas champ but...with the stage I'm in now...I'm in no condition to continue...for a while...I'm...pregnant."   

"Oh my goodness! Ali and you competed Monday! As much as I respect you I'm disappointed,why would you put yourself in danger like that...along with danger for your kid,I'm happy for you Ali,honestly." She stood up pushing her chair back walking over and giving Me a quick hug. "So...does Roman know?"

" not yet..I've talked to someone close and they've helped me realize I shouldn't be so scared to tell him...* guess that'll be on my schedule later."

"Well congratulations to both you and I honestly can't wait for your little one to come maybe we'll have another dedicated a** kicking diva In the business."

"Well...that's what I'm hoping,thank you so much Steph for understanding...I'm not exactly sure when I'll be able to be back in action but here's the papers from the doctor,I've read over and most things I should know and for you and just anyone in charge of the what I do...kinda sucks I might not be able to travel until this baby is born...then weeks after...

"Hey,you'll be back in no time Hun,we'll all be waiting and ready for your return,family first mrs lady,promise me you'll follow your restrictions and rules until you're able to come back?"

"Of course Steph...and thank you for everything you've done for me ever since I first became a diva,I'm just so greatful that there's amazing and caring people like you by my side threw...all of this."

"Anytime Ali,anytime, now I'm gonna go find these files and schedules before Hunter has one of his tantrums."

"Well yeah,we all know how he can get." We both hugged one last time before heading our separate ways...this will be my last time for a while holding this title and tonight...unknown who I want to hold and represent this division."


Nikki's mouth completely dropped as he came from behind the corner with her sister who was also shocked at what they had haut heard.

"Wow...the girls pregnant...and Romans the father...looks like she'll be out of action for a while MEANING...that title is up for grabs."

"Brie,of course it is...I'm kinda shocked I would have figured Roman moved on after these months and weeks of...everything but ah...I've got a feeling." She tip toes over to Stephs desk grabbing the papers Alicia gave Steph. "That once Roman finds out he's NOT the father,we really won't have to see any more of her even after the little baby is born."

"Nicole of course he's the father,she hasn't been with anyone else e- a smile crept on her lips as Her sister turned to her with a smirk understanding what she meant.

"Oh my,my sister is devious smart and fearless."

"Got that right,now come on sis,let's go help Little mrs Alicia with her little goodbye party."

"BELLAS GONNA BALL!" They did their usual pose,Brie hooking her arm with her sister and them strutting around yelling the lyrics to "GoodBye."

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