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Roman sat on the bed scrolling threw his phone looking threw pictures from him and Alicia's wedding and all the other pictures he had taken. He still couldn't phase to believe everything that had happened,happened and he was now married to her.

"Hey,bro you mind tossing me those batteries,my remote just died."

Roman was busy into his phone that he didn't hear Dean.

"Ah hello,brain dead man...Thor!"

Roman raised his head flipping Dean off. "What,you said you liked when fans called you that...hell maybe even Alicia...which is really weird,you dirty freaks!...and I was saying,toss me one of those batteries over there."

"Toss alright." Roman mumbled,he reached over grabbing two of the batteries doing exactly what Dean said throwing it his way gladly Dean had leaned back dodging the batteries.


"What,you said throw it...so I did."

"Alright smart Alec...so...I guess you saw me and Paige hanging out earlier,I would have invited you but-

"Your good bro,no need to explain...so you wanna tell me when you finally grew some and told her."

"Actually I didn't...we're just,exploring around together...friends."

"With benefits." Roman mumbled chuckling.


"I said nothing but...FACT,you're too much of a...hypocrite you nagged me on and on about me being afraid' to ask out Alicia them i finally did as for you and Paige,dude you've been crushing and almost breaking character the past 6 months now,grow some and ask her out already."

Dean only glared at him before turning his attention back to his game mumbling under his breathe,Roman was right,he did like Paige but couldn't phase to tell her...especially after the last relationship he was in,even remembering and seeing what happened between his parents which all added up to all the rage and crazy he has now and which he has no regrets to anything he's done."

Alicia's POV
After the day back in NXT I figured since it didn't take me that long to drive down even though I left early I'd make it back fine...wrong I was perfectly fine when packing and heading out...hit the high way and it's pouring down rain and I do not do well with rain so is turned back around and decided to get a hotel room for the night and just head back down the next day.

Once I got to the hotel I went to the desk to see if they had any rooms which luckily they did,except it was on the top floor but I don't mind.

I was just about to head towards the elevator when I heard people calling my name,I turned around to see a group of fans. I do always take time to sign and take photos so I walked over to them and signed their photos,phone cases or anything else they had and took selfies with them all.

"Alicia may you sign my divas title,I wanna be like you when I grow up and become divas champion." This little girl said,she was so precious and adorable,she even had on Romans shirt.

"Of course sweetie." After I signed it we both took a little photo shoot of her holding my title while I held hers,both of us pretending to pose for a match another being us each pretending to tug the title out of each other's hands and another of us with her title wrapped around her waist and me raising her hand.

"Now,may I ask what's your name Hun?"

"Lauren." She said with a smile.

"Well Lauren,I'm gonna tell you something,no matter how old you are,you chase that dream you have,I had to wait until I was 18 and that means I know you'll have a good bit to wait but I promise you those days of running around the house jumping around,it'll all be worth it,one of these days you're gonna be jumping off the top rope and pinning someone and becoming divas champion."

"YAY! People at my school say I won't be a diva I can be a diva,I'll prove them wrong! I'll listen to her my hero!"

All I could do was stand there smiling like an idiot,this truly did make my day.  Seeing how I really have inspired people out there,it makes me wanna make even more goals...I love this business and the people that support me

"Loves I've gotta get going now but thank you all for calling me over,I'd hate to have missed such great fans."

We all had this mini group hug before I grabbed my bags heading to the elevator to get to my room.

Alicia had just finished up her shower and getting dressed in her night clothes which was a Sparta bra minion shorts and knee high socks. (YES ITS NORMAL TO WEAR SOCKS TO BED...at least for me)

She was currently fighting with her hair now to get it into a decent bun when there was a knock at the door.  She couldn't think of who would be coming to her door but went to check anyway,she looked threw the peep hole and saw,Jason.

She opened the door welcoming him with a slight smile.

"Ali,hey,i know it's weird to show up randomly but no I wasn't stalking I saw you come in and knew it was raining just wanted to make sure you got to your room safe."

"Oh,yea it was just horrible so I had no choice but to turn around but thank you."

"Oh and I brought dinner...well,sorta." He raised the bag he had in his hand which had a subway sandwich wrapped up.

"Oh thank you Jas,you didn't have to,here come on in."

Once he walked in he placed the bag on the table and sat on one of the chairs while Alicia closed the door and sat at the edge of the bed.

"So,how life on the main roster,you all travel more than NXT,I do remember you never being a morning person."

"Shut up,it's not my fault." She playfully punched his arm. "I mean besides the annoying Bella's and other drama,I'm sure you've all heard about from house to kid...everything's been fine."

"Well,I'm proud of you Champ...everyone is,Carmella so bad wanted to throw a party the day you returned and won it but when we reminded her you were hours away she basically went Staten Island crazy on us."

"Awe,I do love every last one of you all,you all are where I started all of you,I do miss you all."

"Hey! No getting all emotional on me,so-

Out of no where Alicia felt something go in her eye so she started rubbing it which only made things worse...sorta.

"Hey,you okay?"

"No,something just went in my eye...geez what did I do Mother Nature!"

He laughed as he stood up walking over sitting next to her. "Here let me help. He lifted her head by her chin as he ran his thumb under her eye,it was only am eye lashe. "Awe who knew an eye lash would cause so much pain."

"You're such a jerk!"

"But a loving jerk." He didn't realize he was still looking into her eyes and got lost in the moment,before Alicia realized anything,he was leaning forward pressing his lips against hers. She started to slowly get into the kiss when she pulled back automatically.

"Jason...n...I can't...I'm married,I'm so sorry."

"Roman...I know, No,I did the first move I should be apologizing...I'm just gonna...go,see you later Ali." Quickly getting up he grabbed his phone and left the room. As the door closed Alicia walked over and locked the door leaning on the door with her back to it she sighed.

"What the hell did I just do." She snapped out of her thoughts when her phone started ringing,she walked over looking at the caller I.D ...Roman,he was trying to face time

She couldn't get herself to answer so she ignored it,she turned her while phone on silent bridge climbing into her bed shutting off all the lights and TV and lying in the dark. She still couldn't believe what had happened,happened. She felt a little regret even if it was only for a few seconds. "I can't tell Roman about this...no one."

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