Took In

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"Ya know Alicia it would be better if you just HELPED ME cook instead of just sitting there!" Dean yelled from over the counter continuing to cool whatever it was that he called 'his special'

"Um Dean remember your exact words. "I'm the master in the kitchen,no one comes near until in done." Alicia responded continuing to braid JoJo's hair.

"I WAS BEING SARCASTIC,how long have you known me!?"

"Maybe too long."

"Speaking of too long,Sounds like by them cries Roman was too,LONG for ya."

Alicia's head shot up her gaze going straight to him. "Uh JoJo,I'll be right back." Standing up she walked over to the kitchen which luckily had this wall that separated the living room and kitchen from the side. Approaching Dean she hit him in the back of the head with the comb along with grabbing the collar of his shirt. "A,DON'T mention that with JoJo around! B,STOP LISTENING SO HARD,GOT IT!?"

"Okay first OW and second OKAY geez,not my fault you can't Handel it."

Grabbing his hand she forced it down onto the stove top. "OW,HOLY HELLL STOP LET GO LET GO I'M SORRY! I TAKE IT BACK!"

"Thought so!" She let go of his hand sending him one of those evil smirks as she headed back to the living room.


"Yea it's a good thing you DIDN'T finish that because if you did you'd be explaining to Roman why his young daughter repeated that word and WHO IT CAME FROM!"

"YOU STAY IN THE LIVING ROOM EVIL! This is an A B Conversation so please C your r way out of it!"

"Do you know how much of a little kid you sound like Ambrose!?"

"Do you know you were actually born in h...Maybe Nikki should 'accidentally' punch you again an-

"THIS CLOSE AMBROSE KEEP TALKIN,PLEASE DO,now when the ambulance gets here I'm just gonna pretend you had a cooking accident!"

Dean remained Silent after that

"Okay JoJo and we are done,how do you like it?" She handed the mirror to her letting her see.

"I like it,thank you mrs Alicia!" She jumped up turning and giving her a hug. "Can I go show daddy?"

"Sure you can Hun." She said with a smile.

"yay! I got my hair done and I'm gonna be a flower girl,best week ever!" She dashed up the stairs.

"Hey...I'm ah,sorry about the stove Dean."

"It's cool,besides,didn't even hurt I d- before he could finish the door bell rang cutting him off. "I got it." As soon as he opened it he stood with a confused look,3 police officers and a sworn of video cameras. "Ah...hello officer."

"If correct this is the Anoa'i residents,is Mrs Alicia Love here?"

"Yes sir,Ali,door!"

"Coming...officers,Alicia Love."

One of the officers stepped forward pulling her arm behind her putting her in handcuffs. "Mrs Love your under arrest for the invading and physical threat towards mrs Patricia Anoa'i."

"WHAT,I never invaded her home or anywhere or threatened her,officer this can't be right."

"You say what you want,the judge has got the proof,MOVE!"

At that moment Roman was just coming down the stairs with JoJo when he saw Alicia in cuffs. "JoJo go back upstairs,I'll be up there I a bit.. Excuse me officers what's going on?"

"She's being charged for threatening and invading of Patricia Anoa'i."

"What,no that's my mother officer Alicia's been with me the whole time for the past few weeks I promise you that's not a true statement."

"Tell it to the judge,let's go mrs threat maker." As Alicia ha don choice but to follow the cop she glanced back to Roman with a saddened expression.

He mouthed "don't worry,I love you." Her direction,things were just about to be on the same page and now it was as if someone was just begging for them not to...

"I swear...I'm gonna do something I'm gonna regret,I don't care who she is."

"Reigns I know you're pissed but you can't be in jail along with Ali."

"I DON'T CARE AMBROSE SHE'S SICK SHE JUST CAN'T LET ME BE HAPPY WITH THE GIRL I LOVE BECAUSE SHE'S HOOKED ON G AND I'M OVER HER AND SHE KNOWS THAT NOW MY FIANCÉE IS IN JAIL AFTER COMING FROM THE HOSPITAL AND WHO KNOWS WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING TO HAPPEN,no I'm done being little son  blah blah she went too far!" Grabbing his shoes and car keys he storms out to the car knowing,what had to be done,was gonna get done.

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