Changes And Thoughts Part 2

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"Alright...ah,your name?"


"Okay,Roman,get comfortable and take a seat anywhere,my names Clare and I work part time here on Weekends counting Friday nights and week days I'm a therapist/guidance counselor." She plopped into her chair behind the desk as Roman slouched into the couch across from her.

"Okay Roman...clearly out there you were drinking to get your mind off things but coming from someone's who lived with someone who did the same thing...drinking won't help,so please tell me what's going on."

"My girlfriend...ex girlfriend...she didn't tell me she was pregnant but then she went out and told the world but then some one showed me papers of it saying I wasn't the hurt...yea I threw her things out,I called her a slu*....I told her I never wanted to see her again...

"Girl trouble...okay so here's my question the girls who showed you the papers,how ow like you categorize them?"

"Well...they were her enemies,kinda tried to break us apart but that's not the problem,I saw the papers,so it has to be true yet she denied it."

"Roman...maybe your lady,just didn't tell you about her being pregnant because she was afraid of your reaction,she may have had the assumption that you wouldn't you guys relationship to go that far into detail,just yet...and as for the papers...having a mother who worked in a hospital,true info sheets have the file code at the top right with the hospital zip and her doctors initials,maybe you should go check that paper two maybe separated,you may wanna see and hear what you want but what's gonna happen when that baby is born...she may not admit it herself but she's gonna need you."  "Just doing my job and I happen to know of the doctor care down here,if you've got her information I'm sure they'd be willing to tell you all the details,I won't mind driving you down there."

"I don't mean to ask for much...but would you,please."

"Of course."
"Thank you." He gave her a smile.

"Okay so truth or dare?"

"Dean you're such a child...dare."

"I dare you to...add Paige to this chat."

"Why...even though I do miss her I-

"Hold it right there." His screen went black confusing Alicia until 2 minutes later another screen came up when he logged back on,Paige.

"HEY LUVS! Oh my goodness,I've never used this before,thanks Foxy for the lessons,how's it goin!"

"Hii Paige,things are going good,how was the show?"

"Eh Wyatt tried attacking Reigns,he kicked his a**,Big show storming around yelling "where you at Ryback!" And New Day Rocks (WHICH THEY DO) has tuned into ayeee we want some new day! (YES WE DO BECAUSE THEY ROCK AND SHOULD BE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!)

"Oh wow...Big Show has completely lost it now a days,maybe he should go to DR,Shelby." They all started laughing at her comment.

"So..okay I can't hold it in,.Ali,um...what's this I hear about you not coming know this has been your dream and now your living it but belong in the business Hun,honestly."

"Paige...I don't know...I kinda really don't wanna talk about it right now-I just don't know what do at the moment."

"Alright,well based on these files,is it...Alicia Love,your partner?"

"Yes sir." 'She was...why the hell am I even here these people don't know what they're talking about,the whore cheated on me now she's prep and it's not my problem' he said to himself.

"L...l...Love,ah here we are,here you go,these are copies you can have but you can look at them here if you'd like."

"Thank you." Roman slowly pulled out the papers in the folder flipping threw page after page until he saw the words pregnancy. His eyes following over the list of detail and information then...he saw the section he was looking for.

Mother: Alicia Love... father/partner: Roman.R

  Romans mouth completely dropped...he couldn't believe what he was she was telling the truth...but I failed to she wants nothing to do with me... "Thank you doc,this helps a lot."

"Anytime,anything else I can help you with today Mr.Reigns?"

"No sir...this was all I needed,thank you." Placing the papers back in the folder he left the office back outside to the car.

"So how'd everything go?" Clare asked

Instead of replying all Roman could do was put his head in his hands shaking his head as tears fell. He was disappointed in himself...hurt and couldn't believe everything that had happened,happened. a replay of everything he'd said to her played threw his head,the fear in her eyes,her trying to hold back tears...

"What have I done...I lost the girl of my dreams because I was stupid and listened to the enemy who's played so many games and lies on us before which led to this...I'm...I'm gonna be a father...but I've blown it.."

Yours To Hold (2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin