Can't Get Enough

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Alicia sat backstage watching Romans match with Kane,the match had started off unfair because before Roman could get over the barricade Kane went straight for him, so much to where he. Oil don't fight back and it didn't help that J&J were ring side. Throwing Roman back into the ring Kane slid in and the bell rang,he processed to go straight for Romans bad arm and ribs.

"Come on Roman,get up,I know you've got this,he's not even the monster people said he was! KICK HIS CONFUSED WANNA BE TRIPLE H A** KISSING A**!"

"Woah there pumpkin,relax,we all know your superman will get back up,no need to get all feisty." Paige said with a chuckle as she pulled Alicia down into her seat by her shoulders.


"And I'm sure Roman remembers that and if you ask why,just shush and watch the match,okay pumpkin?"

Back in the ring:
Roman had Kane in the corner and processed to nail standing corner clotheslines as the crowd counted along until the red had to pull him off.

Backing away to the opposite corner Roman stood watching as Kane slowly steadied himself, he kneeled down about to set up for the spear when Jamie jumped onto the apron where he was. The ref was busy paying attention to that, that he didn't see Kane go over to the corner unhooking and exposing the turnbuckle.

He was just in the range of getting it off when
Alicia came running down to the ramp towards the ring climbing onto the apron. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! Little oh I'm sorry so called big red monster has to cheat and have scrawny leprechauns do the dirty work for you!"

Kane stood there eyeing her when Joey came behind tapping Alicia's leg,looking down she smirked to herself as she jumped off having full eye contact and a wicked smile towards Joey. He proceeded to back away while yelling threats towards Alicia but she kept the same glare.

"GET HER OUT OF HERE!" Kane yelled,turning Around he'd forgotten about Roman and was met with a spear and Roman getting the pin. Roman stood as the ref raised his hand in the air,he hadn't even realized Alicia was out there until he turned around and there stood Alicia in her gear looking towards him with her usual smile she had when she was around him.

"Cute but phycho...I like it." Roman said

With a glare up towards Roman Alicia stepped closer to him before hopping into Roman's arms wrapping her legs around his waist planting a kiss on his lips,!the whole crowd turned into a mix of cheers and yes chants.

Roman continued holding onto her as he kissed back. Not wanting things to go too far he pulled back unwrapping her legs gently placing her down. Holding down the rope for her he let her get out the ring first before sliding out walking beside her with his arm around her shoulder as they both headed up the ramp backstage.

As soon as they got backstage they both wasted no time, 're connecting' Roman already had his shirt off,Roman wrapped his hand around Alicia's waist pulling her onto his lap continuing go kiss her. Breaking the kiss for a split second he grabbed the end of her shirt pulling it over her head.

"I've missed you baby girl."

"So have I Ro."

"Hey Roman Alicia's back d- Dean opened the door walking in when he saw them. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" Covering his eyes he searched for the door knob brides walking out. "YOU GUYS ARE FREAKS I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT!"

Hiding her blush Alicia placed her head into his chest. "Ro...I told you someone might walk in!"

" fault baby" Reaching over he grabbed her shirt handing it back to her. "How does a late night stop to Starbucks and Netflix in the room sound?"

"Sounds amazing RoRo."

"Great." Pecking her cheek one last time he stood walking over and packing the rest of his things. "YOU CAN COME IN DEAN!"

Walking in Dean glared at Alicia then Roman shaking his head. "Freaks with a capital F and I don't mean the good kind...oh and...welcome back sis."

"Thanks Dean and ah...sorry you walked in...for a second time...okay end of discussion! No more!"

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