"Why Would You."

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Roman sat on the bed in the hotel room watching replay after replay of what had happened during Raw,taking close look into what happened during his match.

"Who the hell is this new guy,I swear Wyatts are really testing me to my limits." He said to himself he glanced over to the bathroom door when he heard the shower go off,Dean was sorta already passed out so he knew it was Alicia.

"What the hell is her problem,I told her to stay backstage and she just does what she wants,I TOLD HER and she goes and does this crap!"

As soon as the bathroom door opened and she walked out he stood up. "Wha the hell is your problem Alicia!"

"Roman what are you ta-


"What...Roman you and Dean were being choked out and NO ONE was doing anything,you think it's easy just sitting there watching my husband and best friend get beat down on,men or not it wasn't fair."

"WHAT'S NOT FAIR IS HOW SELFISH YOU ARE,YOU don't listen,you think everything is just give,give and look where it lead you to now."

"Oh you two,so what I save your a** then I get insulted,oh that's great first day back I win my title back then I get trashed down by not only an enemy but my own husband,welcome back Alicia!"

"You know what...next time,don't do anything it'll save us both trouble and someone having to babysit 24/7."

"EXCUSE ME! Baby sit? You know what Roman,maybe your moms right,everyone that doubted US! The fear and anxiety I had of getting hurt,I see why."

"Why because you're a self centered attention seeking complaining little bitc*."

Alicia bit her lip trying to hold back the mix of anger and tears that were fighting to just fall,all she was trying to do was help the guys and she gets insulted...

Throwing on her hoodie over her tank top and a pair of sweats over her bed shorts she grabbed her phone and chucks putting them on and leaving the room. "If I'm that much of what you say,DAY 1 AFTER! You shouldn't have wasted your time." She slid tiring off and tossed it onto the counter leaving slamming the door behind.

Dean had heard everything and truly he was pissed and annoyed, he stood up and walked over to the sink filling one of the cups up with water. Walking over to Roman without saying anything he splashed the water on his face. "Stop being such a selfish punk AND REALIZE SHE WASN'T TRYING TO CAUSE ANYTHING! SHE FUC*IN PUT HER HEALTH ON THE LINE HER FIRST DAY BACK AFTER ALL THE SHI* SHE'S BESN THROUGH TO HELP US,but I guess you're too selfish to realize." Without saying another word he slipped on his sneakers, and one of his Unstable t shirts and left the room to go find Alicia.

Leaving the room Alicia figured she would just go for a run on the treadmill but the workout room was closed so she'd just decided she would go for a jog...even if it was raining,she didn't care. With her headphones in blasting her Skillet playlist.

Dean's POV
Okay where could she have gone so fast,I've checked Starbucks, the game room,the computer area, with Nattie, Foxy and they haven't heard from her ever since the show. Do I think her and Roman have a great relationship yes but Romans outbursts lately are only gonna make them move away faster than adjusting to this new change.

"Uh,sir,excuse me do you think you can tell me if a girl,about 5'1, hair with brown highlights, hoodie came threw here?"

"Alicia Love you mean? Of course I'm a fan of you and hers actually she stopped by for autographs before she left,she was walking and it's raining so I'm not sure if she found a taxi or not,she's really close to her fans though."

"Thank you sir."

"Oh excuse me before you go Mr.Ambrose,may I have an autograph and picture?"

"Sure,anything for the Ambrose Asylum." After taking the picture and signing his poster I headed out to hopefully find Alicia and GOSH PLEASE don't let her have done something stupid.
With Roman (half POV)
He sat in the room in the same place he was when he said what he said to Alicia. He started to regret what he'd said.. "What the hall am I doing to her...I'm supposed to be there for her and look at me now screaming with her every two or so days,she probably hates me...

He pulled out his phone going to his gallery looking threw pictures from the wedding,how happy she looked,the way she looked at him.

"I can't keep hurting her...I just can't."
Back with Dean (yea I'm writing so little for POV'S which I feel so bad for...I'm working on ideas,trust me.

I've been walking around here for at least a good 20 minutes and still no sign of Alicia...he started to feel worried. He continued walking when he spotted a familiar figure running,he couldn't catch the face but took him a minute when he rememberd.

"ALI!" He called out but she didn't hear him,he stared running towards her,as soon as he caught up to her he pulled her back by the shoulder not meaning to but making her fall.

"Geez someone's quit the runner,and a clutz." He said with a chuckle.

"I'm not in the mood Dean,what do you want." She said rolling her eyes.

"What are you doing running out here in the rain,in all seriousness."

"Dean just leave me alone okay."

"No,come here." He helped her up pulling her to her feet leading her to one of the lunch tables near by,he took off his jacket handing it to her,she hesitated for a bit before taking it and putting it on.

"Dean...I don't know if I can do this anymore,this big change in our relationship then this...what if this just wasn't meant to be and the wedding was a big mistake."

"I'm not gonna lie sis...Roman has been a bit out of it lately,bipolar,everything,with the Wyatts being more weird..but seriously,he loves you."

"Dean,you're probably right but...I just don't know...I just don't know what our next step will be and what if he just looses it one day."

"Then I,will personally kick his a** in front of you,then I will give him a special a** kicking in the ring then our next show in Pen FL I'll kick his a**,AGAIN!"

"Dean...thanks...for understanding...threw all things.just so much drama that happened to me and you have been there...like I said...you're like a brother to me."

"Anytime short stuff,now come on before you get sick,let's get you back inside."

"Dean,I'm totally fine I-

"Ah sorry but,don't care,let's go." Standing up he walked over pulling her up then throwing him over his shoulder.

"DEAN! Put me down!"

"Why so stingy,loosen up or I'll...accidentally,drop you."

"oh you wouldn't!"

"Thanks dad...I just...I don't wanna mess this up."

"Anytime son,I know you're capable and smart but just remember what I told you."

"Thanks again,I will." As soon as he hung up was when the door opened and in walked Alicia and Dean,she was laughing until she saw Roman.

"Um Dean...I'm gonna go to the other room,thanks again."

"Um,no...remember what I said on our way here...I will take my jacket back and YOU Can stay here and I'll take that other room and if I hear anything,I'm a door open,okay? Okay,good night shortie." He gave her a side hug before leaving to the other room closing the door.

Bam bam bam! I'm leaving a cliff hanger because I wanna do their conversation next chapter, which might be short but I'm planning to add a good bit of detail hopefully,it might not be short,idk but please bare with meh. ❤️

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