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Alicia's POV
I can't believe this day is happening,Roman really did mean when he said he'd stick around no matter what,now...I'm standing here probably looking like an idiots trying to hold back tears,of joy that is,him holding my hand,gazing into my eyes as the vows were read.

"If anyone gathered here today has any reason as to why these two should not be married please speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest said. I anxiously waited for someone to blur out like in the movies but instead,nothing. Now I can drop some of my nerves.

"Then by the power invested by me in the state of P- before he could finish the lights flashed off making the whole building go dark. Okay please just be w power source please.

"Marriage...from little diaper friends to middle school crushes to high school sweetheart to marriage,such a beautiful thing...EXCEPT FOR WHEN YOU SEE YOUR SISTER CRYING WITH A BROKEN HEART...this...this ones for you sister."

Who was on the speaker I don't know but I'm getting really freaked out. As soon as the lights cut back on i felt somebody grab me from behind around me the neck.

"Why oh why are you embarrassing yourself little Alicia,I tried to warn you but you didn't listen...but here's my wedding gift to you."

I heard muffling but didn't see anyone until Luke came walking out with Roman hands behind his back mouth covered with tape...a gun pointed to his head.

"For the savior of broken hearts...happy wedding days."

The last thing I heard was a shot before everything went black.

"ROMAN!" She shot up screaming making Roman slam on the breaks gladly he was pulling into some parking lot already so no accident happened.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"'s nothing...just something...stupid...sorry."

Taking off his seat belt he sighed running his hands through his hair. " you know I hate when you get like this baby,please just tell me."

"Roman it's stupid...I'm okay now...I promise."

Leaning over he gently cupped her face pecking her lips. "You haven't been taking my and docs advice,looks like I'm gonna have to help you again." He said with a smirk.

"You are such an addict."

"To your body,only you baby."

"Hm,just keep your eyes on the road,I love you."

"I love you too baby girl." He gave her another quick peck on the lips before starting the car again and pulling off. Pulling her legs up Alicia leaned her head on the window watching as cars passed by,even if that dream did freak her out,she knew Roman would always be there,forever.
As soon as they got to the house Roman parked the car in the garage. After he parked he turned to see Alicia was again back asleep,he didn't wanna wake her after today's events and drama.

Walking over to the passanger side of the car quietly he opened the door and unbuckled her seat belt,   He lifted her up bridal style closing the door behind him.

As he entered the house he saw Dean & JoJo sitting in the living room playing Uno.


"What,I did not!"

"He did too! He didn't say Uno!"

"Did do!"

"Okay,okay you too,you'll have plenty of time to get plenty of matches in,and Dean,play fair I'll see you two in the morning."

"Wait!" JoJo jumped up running over to Roman and hugging his leg. "I love you baddy,and mrs Alicia."

"We love you too princess." He said with with  smile bending down hugging her.

Reaching the room he carefully placed her on the bed and covered her up with the cover.  He figured he would just sit back and relax also until he fell asleep. Climbing into the bed he pulled her closer as she cuddled into his side.

Stairing up at the ceiling everything that had recently happened with him and Alicia replayed three his head,all the good and the bad.

"Baby girl I know you're fast asleep but I just wanna tell're the best thing that's ever happened to me,I know I've been a butt,jerk,overreacting a few times but I was just lucky that you gave me second chances. Maybe even more,we've been threw so much together and now it just feels like everything's coming into place...I don't care what my mom or anyone says,you're the one for me,I believe in you...I believe in us."

And so I rewrote last chapter having plenty of time considering my bus was an hour  late which I don't mind yea,another update should be up later today,still working on my newest book.

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