Two Faced

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The next morning:

"Roman,I don't know what going on in you r head but you need to snap out of it."

Dean was trying his best to get Romans attention while they were training in the ring working on their moves/new tag team finishers but Roman was completely out of it.

"Reigns...hey...oh forget it." Instead of saying anything else he ran bounced off the rope with his signature forward Rebound Lariat,he was about to clothesline Roman when he ducked turning around and spearing Dean.

"I've told you once and I'll say it again,DON't sneak up behind up or you will end up-like you are now."

"YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO SPEAR ME! If something's broken,you're heads going threw cinder blocks then MAYBE YOU'LL FEEL THE PAIN!"

"Hey you were the one to just lie there."


"Whatever." Roman slid out of the ring and went straight to his bag grabbing his phone. He was hoping to see at least a message or missed call from Alicia but instead,nothing.

"Hm,why someone sad because their girl formed didn't return a pic." Dean said with a smirk,with the glare Romn gave him he knew it was either move before you get hit or take it back. "Kidding,but seriously is that what's gotten you all worked up not hearing from Alicia?"

"She sold she's call me after her thing at NXT,that was yesterday,I tried calling her and FaceTime but no answer."

"Come on you two are inseparable,she's probably out shopping with Carmella and them all or already driving back down here and just has her phone on silent,And as for last night,she was probably just knocked out tired."

"Yea...I's just not like her to not pick or or at least send something,come on we need to work on that double power slam,especially if we're gonna be using it on The Wyatts,hopefully threw a table."

"HEY! I thought we were calling it the AmbReigns bam?"



"TOO BAD! That's worse than people trying to think of ship names for me and Nikki...wrong."

"Well I'm gonna call it that." Dean mumbled rolling back into the ring.

With Alicia

After putting her bags in the car she went over to Starbucks where Carmella wanted to hang out for a bit before shed left.

"So how'd Madison do,I wasn't able to see you guys full match?"

"Overall she is pretty decent,sure she missed her timings a few times but other than that...I did have to act as heel a bit to get her to not hold back but like I said,I think she's ready."

"Well that's good, I just wanna know why she's being moved up before me when I've been here longer than her but you know what,I'm staying here with my boys,they win tag team champions,I rip out Eva's weave, everything's gonna be fab."

"And I know most of us will be happy to see that,cheers to the most fabulous diva of NXT-

"How you doin!" They both said laughing.

"So you promise to come back down and maybe hang with us when you get time off?"

"Of course I will Mel,besides I'll be back Wednesday so maybe we can go on a little shopping trip or some sort."

"Yes girl that sounds fab,now go on luv I don't wanna hold you up,call me when you get back?"

"Of course mom." She said with a playful  eye roll. After walking with Alicia to the car they both shared another long hug before Alicia got into the car.

"Keep on representing girl,we love you!"

"I love you all too!" Carmella waved at her one last time bridge she drove off.

Meanwhile with Madison:
She sat in her hotel room which she shared with Carmella even if she wasn't a big fan she didn't mean rooming and getting to know a new comer.

Sitting in the middle of her bed there lye pictures of Alicia surrounding  around her from her NXT days to just recent pictures of her at Raw,photo shoots,anything Alicia.

"'re my hero...SHE'S MY HERO! Why wouldn't she want to hang out with me! I LOVE HER! Maybe...maybe I'm just different,different is good, soon we6be fighting each other in the ring touching each other bodies feeling each other's heat mixed with determination, both of us not being able to keep our hands off each other."

She grabbed the picture of Alicia in a group hug with Carmella,Marti and Paige. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIEND!" She growled. The room door opened and in walked Carmywhi was doing her little dance with her headphones in until she looked up and saw the bed and Madison on it.

She slowly pulled her ear buds out. "Um,Madi,making a scrap book for Ali?"

Instead of responding Madison jumped up shoving Carmella into the wall holding her by her throat. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM ALICIA GOT IT! SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND! LOVERS AND YOU'RE THE REASON SHE LEFT!"

Carmella reached out grabbing Madison's arm and yanking it down before shoving her back.

"What the hell is wrong with you you psych!"

"I AM NOT!...YOU...pale and furball better stay away from Alicia! I promise you I-

"You'll what,little new be,pretending to be all innocent when you're crazy! You ain't foolin no one Madi,you shouldn't even be on this roster but if you wanna come at me again I will gladly Statin Island your face deep under!" She snatched up her duffel bags leaving to the door,before she left she turned around giving Madison the evil eye.

"I know exactly what you are and I'll spell it out for ya chick, S•A•W•F•T!" She left slamming the door behind her not caring what or what people heard what had happened.

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