Chapter 15: Teardrops on my Guitar

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Okay, first off... the title of this chapter. Ummm.... I honestly don't know how I got it besides T-Swift but don't get mad. Oh, and this chapter will be very emotional with tons of teardrops on guitars. Hahe, no not on guitars, let's just go with cheeks. Get your Kleenex because well, be prepared to cry...







Lauren's POV:

I feel a warm glow hit my face as I open my eyes. The sun is shining brightly and it's yellow rays come through the window. Lisa is asleep, and Dani is awake, just not in the room. She most likely was the one that opened the window's curtains. It's Sunday, and we have to go to Church. I checked the clock on the wall. 8:30 a.m. Fifteen minutes to get ready for church. Oh gosh. I quickly hopped out of bed screaming,

"LISA MICHELLE CIMORELLI GET YOUR BUTT UPP BEFORE I CUT OFF ALL OF YOUR PRECIOUS HAIR!!!!!" that got her up fast. Soon we both were brushing our teeth and getting dressed. We had no time to curl our hair, so we just brushed it really really straight. Lisa put on a blue dress that ruffled at the neckline and stylish black sneakers, plus a a black and blue [A/N: I haven't stumbled across a snapback with blue lettering but let's just pretend] lettering that spelled CIMORELLI. I put on black jeans, a white top that has a checkerboard black and white collar, a blue jacket with little rhinestones in random places on the piece of clothing, and a long chain with a huge cross pendant at the bottom. (Heart Attack outfit without curled hair). Lisa finished quickly and went downstairs, leaving me to make sure I look okay.

"Lauren, come on!!! We have to go!!!" I heard Dani yell. I walked downstairs to see all the girls wearing what they wore in our cover of Heart Attack. Hmmm, what a coincidence. The boys are looking so adorable with their white polo shirts and black pants. And by boys, I mean Christian, Nick, and Joey. Alex and Michael are wearing jeans and a shirt. Not that nice, but decent enough. We got to church 8 minutes late. Oops! I could Simon's shaggy hair towards the back of the church. He was wearing a polo shirt too. What's up with guys and polo shirts? All 13 of us Cimorellis got into the 15 seat van and finally we got to church we sat towards the back because we got there 8 minutes late.

~~Skip to the Middle of Mass~~

The offertory gifts were brought forward, and I saw Simon and Zach bring them forward. Lisa and Dani looked at me, but my eyes were on Amy. Her cheeks were red, so I knew she was blushing. She must like someone. But who? Anyways, I could feel my face burning when I saw...

him. He looked timid, and his eyes were red. Hmm, I wonder what happened? I'll talk to him later.

~~Skip to After Mass~~

"Hey," I said softly tapping Simon's shoulder. He turned around and gave me a big hug, but by the way his eyes didn't sparkle anymore, except with tears, I knew. Secca...

is over. I know they love each other very much, and it doesn't hurt that he's crying over another girl.

"Shhhh, it's okay. Wanna go grab some Starbucks?" I calmed him down soothingly.

"Now? In our church clothes?"

"Why not? It's just down the street." he nodded and we left.

A/N: Okay, super super super duper short I know, but just something to tie you over until the next update. I did make an update agenda but most likely I will not follow it, but #yolo (I really hate that word) right? Anyways, a bunch of over things I will post next just a bunch of short Author's Notes that I already wrote. Plus, a surprise bonus!!!! I'm also deciding how long the story is going to be... Thanks! Oh, leave a comment below if you think I should get an Instagram. It's so weird that I don't have one because like, everyone I know does. Okay stay tuned!






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