Chapter 9: Saying Goodbye

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Note: Secca moment!







Becca's POV

I woke up in the morning scared. All my things were packed (I didn't have a lot of stuff) last night and we were leaving after school today. I wonder what Simon's reaction will be. It scares me to think that we will break up later and then he'll date another girl, maybe even Lauren!!!!! Arrgh!!!!

I finished getting ready for school and walked out the front door. No one was there to kiss me goodbye, to wish me a good day at school. No. Nada. Zilch. My parents were off once again doing who knows what. We normally have 15 minutes to get to our homeroom class after the bell rings. I'm going to tell him then so we can enjoy EVERY SINGLE FREAKING MOMENT OF THE DAY.

I waited outside his locker for him.

"Hey!" he greeted me pecking my cheek.

"Hi," I said quietly. He looked concerned.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded then kissed him with so much passion and love. He kissed back asking for an entrance. I granted his request and soon we were full on making out. Finally he pulled away.

"What was that for?" he asked me. I looked up, and I felt something wet on my cheek. A tear.

"Bec, Becca! Don't cry! What's wrong?"

"My dad... he got a job in London and we're leaving today!" I exclaimed but NOT in a happy way. There was anger flashing through his eyes but then concern again.

"When did you find out?" I swear there was a hint of frustration and anger in his voice.

"Last night," I answered.

"Oh," he replied all the hints of him being mad gone. He understood.

"I'm so sorry!" I cried and more tears streamed down my face.

"Shhhh, it's okay," and he pecked my lips like never before.

"But what about us?"

"We'll figure something out. Don't worry." He checked his watch. Our time was up. "Homeroom is about to start," he stated. I nodded slowly and pecked his cheek. I'm going to miss him.

Lauren's [Short] POV

I walked by Simon's locker and saw him and Becca whispering tears streaming down her cheeks. He checked his watch and I saw him look back and I think he saw me. What was happening? We're they breaking up? Oh man...

Simon's POV

I saw Lauren walk past while Becca and I were talking. She's leaving! Her dad got a job in London. Anyways, I've been thinking of Lauren a lot lately. Gosh....

The day passed and I didn't even really think about Becca. My thoughts were on Lauren. At the end of the day. Becca came up to me and said,

"My parents are waiting. I can't believe this is goodbye!"

"We'll keep in touch, don't worry. It costs money to call or text for you because you're in a different country, but we still have Skype, FaceTime, e-mails and stuff." I replied kissing her softly.

"I love you," she concluded before hurrying into the awaiting car. I didn't answer because.....................

I had no idea if the feelings are mutual.

Becca's POV [Again! Sorry!]

I got into the car as Simon just stood there astounded. Our relationship lasted almost a year, and I still can't believe it.

"Becca, who is that boy?" my dad growled. Uh oh.

"Just a friend," I answered calmly but I was near tears. He just nodded and turned away too distracted driving. Boo ya!!!! NOT!!!!!!

Third Person [Readers must guess who] POV

Secca has split..... Yay!!!! Time to get Limon in action. Whoooooooooo!!!!!! I can finally sleep now. It is my duty to make sure couples that are meant to be and are brought together by fate will last forever and always.


A/N: So here's Chapter 9!!!! There were some Secca moments, but now that Becca is out of the picture, maybe LImon will happen!!!! Cross your fingers!!!!!!!! Who do you think the 3rd person POV is? First person to guess in the comments below on this chapter or on any chapter that will be posted after this one gets a fan and a dedication!!!!!

The hidden message in Chapter 9 was: I HATE LIFE.

@Eyeball1402 got that one really quickly, so that chapter was dedicated to her.

Thank you guys so much for your 1Derful support!!!!! I updated More Than Just Best Band Friends finally as well so check that out!!!!

And now for the horrible heartbreaking tragedy that happened in the States this week...


For anyone who was killed, hurt, or lives in that area, you have my prayer. Also, any of you Wattpaders that live near there, I'm praying for you as well just in case. It's scary, and I really am praying for any victims. #prayforboston

Please pray!!!!


xxcim1Dluverxx (#PRAYFORBOSTON)

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