Chapter 12: GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN! (Teaser)

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Thank you guys so so much for all your comments and votes. I'm still waiting for 1 more comment regarding ideas, but since the 5 votes came so fast, I decided to tease you a bit with this. It's the Chapter 12 Teaser!!! Just 1 more comment on Chapter 11 for more ideas, then I will pick and the real Chapter 12 will come. Alright, here it is!







Simon's POV:

"Can't believe you're packing your bags, trying so hard not to cry. Had the best time, and now it's the worst time, but we have to say goodbye! Don't promise that you're gonna write, don't promise that you'll call, just promise that you won't forget we had it all!"

The familiar song lyrics pour through my headphones into my ears. Don't worry, it's only familiar because I've listened to it so much. I really really really really miss Becca. But, not as much as I thought I would. Lauren's the one who's helping me without even knowing it.

Anyways, Bec is a HUGE Directioner. She would blast this music and this is her favorite song. The lyrics are just like what happened with Secca. I honestly hope that I will get over her. Maybe I'll date Lauren!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ooooooooooo, suddenly the thought that Becca left isn't so horrid after all.

As the second verse comes on, I hear the front door slam and the sound of names being called, but in a really seductive tone.



And so on. Oh great, my older brother brought back his new girlfriend for this week. You see, Zach is eighteen, but he's smart, good looking, and well girls say he's sexy. He's just the biggest player ever!!! At least, now he is. Zach wasn't always like this. But now he finds a girl, gets "close" to her, then dumps her. It's horrible. I think he's hoping it will rub off on me. My parents always try to stop him, but he doesn't listen. Zach sometimes comes home at like, 5 in the morning, even on school nights. Luckily, he doesn't drink or else he'd get massive hangovers because two hours of Zs, then he would have to wake up for school. Normally he's just out with his date. I couldn't take the sound of my brother and his girlfriend heavily making out, or if there isn't the sound, then the idea of it.

"ZACHARY FRANK BERKLEY, YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!!!!" I shout as school as I get downstairs. "AND YOU, GET OUT!!! YOU DISGUST ME!" The girl, who I'm guessing is named Sasha, judging from the moaning caused by my brother, crossed her arms.

"He's right, just go," Zach added. Wait what?

"But baby, you know you want some of this!" Sasha exclaimed gesturing toward her body.

"OUT, NOW!!!!" he demanded pointing towards the door. When she didn't move, he grabbed her arm, dragged her out, then slammed the door shut.

"Oh man, I'm so sorry dude!" Wait, did my brother just apologize to me? "I know I haven't been very good lately, or for a while, but I have a totally good reason!"

"Why? You wanna just get a girl, make out with her for pleasure, then dump her?"

"Look, I know I owe everyone an explanation, but I changed through jealousy after I saw......."


A/N: Boom! Cliffhanger! Okay, this is Chapter 12's Teaser. I won't do teasers very often, but I wanted to give you guys a good idea of the next few chapters which will be filled with suspense and drama. Ooohhhh, and I really love this chapter's title because, well Harry Edward Styles. Let's just pretend Sasha and Zach were in the kitchen or something.

You also might be confused because sometimes, a regular chapter is this long. But, the next few chapters I will try to make longer but you must understand, the longer the chapter, the longer it takes to update. I'm no witch, but I do have a life.

Also, no one has wont he contest for the last chapter yet. I still need 1 more comment. I got the other two elements. You guys are seriously 1Derful though. Remember to enter the contest because I'm kind of out of ideas!

@Eyeball1402 was the first to comment an idea, actually three, but she already has a fan, and a dedication in this story. So, she will receive a dedication in my OTHER story, and a shoutout on my message board.

So, that's it for this afternoon's update. I might post the rest of Chapter 12 later, but I have homework, and a test tomorrow on Christian Sexuality. Yeah, you might NOT wanna guess what we learn in that class.

Oh yeah, and I apologize if some of the things happening between Zach and Sasha were confusing. Especially Simon's line about what Zach does with girls. I would have put something else, but I honesty didn't want to.

Okay, so that's it for now, maybe I'll catch ya later?


Fresh out of Ideas





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