Chapter 6: Radio Disney Music Award Nomination

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Lauren's POV:

I can't believe it!!!! Even though our song tells us to. [hahe see what I did there? Okay that was pretty lame...] First the car, then bumping in to him, then you know who following me on Instagram, and now CIMORELLI just got nominated for Ultimate Breakout Star -Biggest Viral Artist! for the Radio Disney Music Awards!!!! I'm so excited and we get to miss school. Anyways, back to reality. My initial reaction when I saw Becca and Simon together was jealousy. Actually, I NEVER EVER GET JEALOUS OF PEOPLE! So after one second and I started to ship Secca so much it hurt!!! I sighed and thought about it. Two years ago Becca betrayed us. For two years she teased us but we tried not to let it get to us. I didn't even know that I liked Simon for two years!!! I know right, she's been so horrid to me but I still ship Secca. Why? Because I'm Catholic, shy, and scared. Afraid of what? I'm afraid of life.

Katherine's POV (Finally!):

The fact that we just got nominated is unbelievable. Apparently, our mom knew but just kept it from us as a surprise. She would log onto our Twitter and tell our fans to vote for us and send the link. We were so oblivious to it! I guess because then she tweeted a bunch more stuff after to hide the voting tweet. Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky. I watched the pasta boil. Finally! It's done. Whooooooo!!!! Gosh, why am I so excited? It's pasta for pete's sake! And that's me! Hahe, anyways, I put the pasta in the strainer, then poured my delicious homemade sauce over it. The smell was heavenly. I inhaled the scent of basil and tomatoes. Yum! I heard the front door open and ALL the boys and our parents walked in. Lisa, Christina, and Amy waltzed in from the studio, and Lauren hopped downstairs. I'm so lucky to have such a great family!

Christina's POV:

Lisa, Amy, and I were in the studio setting up a way for our fellow CimFams to donate to Ronald Carver's family.

[Watch video on the side if you don't know about it. You most likely do because they mention it at the end of Heart Attack, but their cover of Heart Attack is at the side so watch till the end!] It was really frightening for Katherine and for us knowing that our sister/daughter in our parents case, could have died. I can't wait to see how much money our fans will donate! We also set up two benefit concerts. One on April 12 in Newbury Park at 7:30 p.m., and one on May 5 in Malibu at 4:00 p.m. Our fans are amazing!

Dani's POV:

Lauren was silent and had a far away look in her eyes but she was grinning. She's always quiet though, but normally she's thinking. Tonight she was dreaming. Who about? A boy? I doubt it. All of us vowed that we would save our first lip-kiss until marriage. Katherine, Lisa, and Lauren really want to keep that promise. It's been hard for Christina with Nick, but they are so cute together! #Nistina

Okay then, I'm gonna talk to Laur afterwards.

"Dinner was delicious Kath!" Mom exclaims. Katherine just nodded a thanks and got up to go fetch desert.

"PIE!" Christian screeched like a girl and we all laughed. After we ate our delicious pie, (Apple I might add hahe), everyone, well the people who actually went to school, finished up homework. As Lauren and I were getting ready for bed (Lisa was on the computer as usual) I asked her what was up.

"Laur, is anything wrong?"

"Nope," she answered popping the "p". "Why?"

"Oh no reason. You just seem a bit, thoughtful I guess,"

"Geez, I can't believe I'm telling you. You know Simon?" she asked. I nodded. "I like him." she finished. My mouth dropped open.

"Say wha?" I managed to get out.

"I don't know, but yes."

"How long?"


"How long have you liked him?"

"Umm two years."

"What!" I yelled. "You've liked a guy for two years and you never told anyone?" she quickly covered her mouth to shush me. I licked her hand.

"Ew, gross! I just realized it a little while ago. Angela helped."

"OMG!" I squealed like a fangirl.

"Keep it down! You better keep it a secret or you're dead." she threatened. I knew she would never kill me though.

"Your secret is safe with me," I replied pretending to zip up my lips. She laughed and finished gettting ready for bed.

Wow, so today I learned that we have been nominated for a Radio Disney Music Award, ate delicious food, and my older sister told me she liked our neighbor's best friend. Gosh, this family is aweCIM!


A/N: Okay each person's POV in this ends with a part about their family. This is a little longer but not by much. It's still pretty short. The thing is that I type these up on Ghostwriter, and it looks really long even though on Wattpad it isn't. I did promise you guys a background of this story, but that won't come until the end of the story. Sorry, but to make up for it I'm gonna update MTGBBF and maybe this story again tonight. Thank you all so much! I feel really terrible for not updating for almost a week, so here ya go. OH, btw, when there is [*words*] it's an A/N. When it's (*words*) it's part of the story. I just wanted to clear that up. Thanks loves!

PS: If any of you know any really cute adorable DIY projects that you can do really fast, please let me know and leave the link in the comments below. I'm gonna need them ASAP!!!! Thanks! :) ♥










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