Chapter 2

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A loud beep interrupted my peaceful dreams; I probably wouldn't even remember the dreams in an hour. Quickly, I shut my alarm off, walked into the bathroom, and brushed my teeth, putting on jeans and a flannel.

My brain wandered into la la land, fatigue taking over my body as I sat down on my bed to think. Jack, Taylor, and my family carpool to school every day, and it was Jack's turn to drive. What if Simon is in the car this morning?

"Lauren! Come on you'll be late!" Christina, the early bird, yelled shaking me from my thoughts.

"Coming!" I call back, examining my body in the mirror. My clothes looked nice, the mascara and eyeliner that I applied made my eyes pop, my concealer, well it concealed red spots and blemishes. Finally satisfied, I took one last look at my room. Dani's and my unmade bed irked me a bit, but the whole room was so messy that they blended right in. Lisa was still sound asleep; soft snores sounded from her mouth. I slung my heavy backpack on my right shoulder and strolled casually downstairs.

"Lauren! What are you still doing here? You're one minute late!" I looked up to see Katherine standing at the kitchen door.

"Sorry, where's Dani?" I answered.

"Outside, now scat!" and she pushed me out the door.

"Oh, there you are," Dani said as I walk outside. We walk down the front porch to the awaiting car. I saw someone's knee in the backseat which puzzled me. It definitely wasn't Jack; he was clearly sitting in the front seat. Dani stepped into the car and I followed. I looked up and an unknown gaze met mine.

"Good morning girls!" Jack's mom exclaimed cheerfully. "Lauren, Dani, we have another passenger today. He's Simon. Do you know him?" Mrs. Willis said.

"Yeah, we were in Student Council together," I answered.

"Taylor's dad drove her early," Mrs. Willis told us.

After a few moments Jack and Simon started talking about Knotts Berry Farm. Their class was going on a field trip there today.

"Do you like roller coasters Lauren?"

"I love them! I've never been to Magic Mountain but I really want to" I answered, and glanced towards Simon's direction. He looked at me again and I just smirked, satisfied with the surprised look on his face. I could tell what he was thinking: girls like me don't like roller coasters.

We finally arrived at school and hopped out of the car. After saying our thanks, we grabbed our bags and headed towards school. During lunch, I described (in detail) to Taylor my daydream about Simon this morning and how it came true. She claimed that it was fate and I was psychic.

"Cause when he looked in my eyes, I swear he set my world on fire."


7/8/15 Author's Note: I appologize for the shortness of this chapter, but I am currently going back and editing this whole story. Nothing interesting is happening right now, except that I'm sitting in a hotel room right now because I'M SEEING ONE DIRECTION TOMORROW! Other than that, I'm boring. Bye. I love you.

It's Been 2 Years ≫ Lauren Cimorelli (editing)Where stories live. Discover now