Final Chapter: Unsaid Things

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Lauren's POV
My wind blew my hair out behind me as I skated towards the beach. This was all too much. Simon left, and most likely broke up with me. I really didn't know how to feel; I think I might have loved him. He left so many unsaid things. My part of our song started playing in my head but I changed the lyrics replacing one "I" with a you.

I could tell you
The things YOU left unsaid
I could tell you
How I felt my cheeks burn red
You were the one
The only one I wanted
I could tell you these things I left unsaid

I finally reached the beach and sat down on the cool, soft sand. The waves crashed against the rocks, and my nose was filled with the smell of the sea salt. The Berkeleys were gone, and in a week they would be in England. I lost my boyfriend and my best friend. My mind was filled with mixed emotions. Was I happy that he was out of my life? No. Was I sad because he's gone? Yes. Will I ever forgive him? NOT IN A MILLION YEARS.

"Hey," I heard a familiar voice say softly. I turned around to see all my sisters, arms out for a hug. They pulled me to my feet and engulfed me in a big, warm embrace. That's why I'm lucky to have such wonderful siblings. We hugged for a few more minutes, and suddenly we felt seven more arms around us. Our brothers and parents. Lisa was right next to me and whispered in my ear,
"If you love something, you have to let it go."


A/N: Omigosh! That was the final chapter! I know it's short, but I think it's very sad.

Read on for some exciting news and I promised a long long time ago for an extra thing, so there will be two more parts after this about the book. Love you so much and thank you!



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