Chapter 11: BFFS and Sisters

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Dedicated to @LaurenCimFam because she is amazing and lovely <333






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Third Person's (No guessing here! Let's just call him Jerry) POV:

I looked down to see Lisa Cimorelli smiling with a satisfied look. Oh! Where are my manners? Let me introduce myself. I am Jerry Wallflower, and I work for Fiona Johnson. She is the "match maker" of the world. Fiona sends messages to Lisa in dreams to convince Lisa to allow Lauren and Simon to be together. Using Lisa, Fiona's power goes through the 19 year old Cimorelli to make Limon happen. I make sure Lisa does her tasks. So technically, I'm her guardian angel in the couple world. Remember, Lisa doesn't know that she is being controlled by my master. It's TOP SECRET!!! Keep your fingers crossed because some hot hot hawt action (DON'T BE DIRTY!) in the match making world will occur in












Lauren's POV:

I feel like a giant boulder has been lifted from my shoulders. Without Becca, I feel like my life is easier. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

A: did u hear?

L: She's gone

A: I know

L: how?

A: Twitter duh

L: ohhh

A: he's finally free

L: they're still together

A: but they aren't "together"

L: huh?

A: wow! *note the sarcasm* they aren't T-O-G-T-H-E-R!!!

L: yes they are!! They're still bf and gf!

A: but they won't see each other for another like, ten thousand years

L: a human being can't live that long

A: you're too literal

L: I'm a girl, we're realistic

A: so am I!

L: are you sure about that?

A: hey!

L: lol sry hahe

A: bye

L: awwwwww

A: ur forgiven

L: how?

A: i can imagine your puppy dog face

L: true dat

A: yeppo. kk i rly g2g now! sry! ttylxox cuz idk what's coming next

L: wow hahe. TTYLXOX to ∞ infinity and beyond ---->!!!

A: you're so random

L: Like Demi Lovato? I try :P

A: bye

L: bye

Wow, Angela and I are quite a pair of awkward people... but that's why we are so close. Becca USED to be one of our besties too, but then she decided to betray us. She totally trashed all the girls bathrooms in the school INCLUDING THE TEACHERS ONE and framed Angela and me. We got a month of detention and got stuck cleaning all the classrooms after school EVERY DAY. I have no clue what we did which I'm sure was nothing, but she just overreacted or something. About what? Don't ask me. Let's just say Angela and I disowned her, which I don't really know what word to use because I'm pretty sure you can't disown someone you aren't blood related to. I don't know, but we kicked her out, actually, she just stopped talking to us and we ignored her so that made a difference. La la la chillin by the fire while we eatin fondue

Ugh, Lisa needs to stop tweeting nerdy random quotes from who knows where.

Amy's POV:

I can't breathe. It's so hard to believe that HE of all people were in the Willis's car. I got to sit next to him! No, not Jack, but Simon. He's so adorable with his chocolate brown orbs and curly hair, it's hard to not fall for him. Yeah, I know he's 16 and I'm 17, but that doesn't matter. Age is just a number, right? But, he only has eyes for the freak, Rebecca Bell. Heck, of course I know her! She was Lauren's best friend. I must admit she's pretty though. The only problem is that Simon is like, 5'8 already and I'm 4'11. It's so depressing to know that I have turner's syndrome. I get teased a lot by my height, so sometimes I wish we were home schooled like we tell our fans. So, if you are a fan, sorry if you think it's lying. It's protecting ourselves from being mobbed by our 1Derful fans. Yes, they are so amazing and aweCIM it's hard to believe it, and the whole world's standing next to you, and the whole world's watching over you Believe It! Sorry, I got too carried away. Now back to Simon. He's so cute it's unbelievable!!!! #fangirl #fangirl #fangirl

I just have to make sure no one gets him when Secca is over, just in case. But there's no way he'd even look at me! I bet he thinks I'm his best friend's tiny neighbor. [I don't think Amy is ugly because she is short. She is NOT ugly, she's perfect. I don't tease her height, I respect it. One of my friends is the same, but just naturally and I don't tease him about it.]




I fell too fast.

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A/N: Heyo! My last update was on Friday, and now it's Monday so here it is! There is NO CONTEST IN THIS CHAPTER, but I do need help. Put ideas for Lauren and Simon below and how their relationship will work out in the comments below. Or you can message me as well. If I like your idea, then it will be put into the story but you will receive credit, a shoutout, a fan, and a dedication. For the next chapter I would like 5 votes, 4 comments regarding ideas, and 1 fan. That's not a lot to ask for considering all the votes and comments you guys do for this story. This chapter is kinda short, but a little longer. I put some suspense into it by making Amy fall for him as well, but don't worry, this is a LAUREN CIMORELLI love story. Amy will still get her own guy though. Btw, if you think I was being offensive to Amy in this chapter, you are DEAD WRONG. Amy is perfect, I love her to death, height is just a measurement, she's is beautiful. So yeah.





Comment away for your ideas!!!!








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