Chapter 3

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As Lauren's best friend, it is my duty to protect her and to make sure she doesn't get hurt. With so many sisters, it's hard for her to get attention from guys. I'm hoping this time with Simon, Lauren's heart won't get crushed into a billion pieces.

The only situation that is preventing Lauren and Simon's relationship is his girlfriend. Her name was Rebecca Bell, a stunning beauty with the most gorgeous curly brown hair and piercing eyes. Years ago, Becca was Lauren and my closest friend. Now she was our mortal enemy. One day, Becca decided she didn't want to be friends with us anymore, and tried to frame us. Basically, she trashed the ladies' room upstairs and blamed us. Becca was smart, the teacher's pet, and every staff member's favorite. Lauren and I had to clean the restrooms, boys' and girls', for the next month. The number of times Becca let us down, well, I can't count that high.

As Lauren was excitedly telling me every detail of her eventful morning, I decided to tell her the truth. The look on her face was one I'll never forget.

"Laur, you know that Simon has a girlfriend right?" I ask her.

"Yeah," she answers obviously shocked, but she pretends to play it cool.

"She's pretty," I answered curtly. She put her head down and walked ahead of me into the building, obviously embarrassed. For a moment, I felt guilty for telling her, but if I didn't tell her, she would find out by herself, and that was a worse option.

He has a freaking girlfriend? Why does my heart feel shattered? Why do I feel so broken?

"When he looked in my eyes, it almost felt like someone cared..."

7/8/15 Author's Note: I am really really sorry for such short chapters but I have to omit a lot of unnecessary parts, resulting in even shorter chapters. Trust me, it's better to have a better chapter than a long chapter with horrible content and grammar. Thank you for understanding (I hope). I love you!

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