8. Scheming, Sneaking, Running, and Finding?

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Wednesday September 1

Dylan's P.O.V.

Jason!!  Thanks to Jason I'm stuck at home because he decided he wanted to beat the crap out of me.  I've been penned up in my room all day while my mom tries to take care of me.  I think I'd sooner go to school than endure this.  Don't get me wrong, I love my mom, but I don't know, she's all scared and worried about me.  I'm not hurt that bad so she can stop worrying. 

I really want to talk to Jason.  We need to talk about some stuff.  I swear, he may be older, but I'm more mature.  If only there was a way for me to go see him.  Aha!  I'll go see him after school.  Just one problem.  I guarantee my mom won't let me.  I guess I'll have to sneak out of the house then. 

For the rest of the day I basically sleep and anticipate the time when I can head to Jason's house to confront him and talk things over. 

The clock finally says 2:30.  My mom checked on me about 30 minutes ago, so I have around an hour or two before she returns.  It's time to put my plan to action.  I get up out of my bed, feeling much better than I did earlier today and last night.  I walk over and pick up my cell phone.  I search through my contacts until I find who I'm looking for.

Hey Zack!  Can you do me a huge favor?

Uh.  Sure.  You're not in jail are you?  Of gosh!  Haha..kidding!  What do you need me to do?

Haha.  You're SO funny.  I need you to pretend to be me while I go hunt Jason down 'cause I need to talk to him.

Yeah..I'm not sure that's gonna happen.  Do you really want to get your face smashed again?  You know what, don't even answer that.  My answer is no because I care.  :) Haha..wow I sound like a girl!

Come on!  Please Zack!!  I've done tons of favors for you!  I promise I won't get hurt.  I just need to talk to Dylan for a while.  And yeah man, you are starting to sound like a chick.

I know, I know..but you could get hurt!  Or worse, you could repay the favor to Jason, and get yourself in trouble!  I'm just looking out for you, so don't be hating.

Please Zack!!  Don't make me beg!!  I promise I won't let Jason hurt me, and I won't hurt him.  Satisfied?



Give me one good reason.

I'll stop bugging you, and you'll be my best friend ever.  :)

Ehh, fine.  What do I have to do?  And why me??

All you have to do is lie in my bed, and act like you're me.  Make sure my mom doesn't notice that it's not me though..Why you?  Because you and I look the most like, are around the same height, as well as weight. 

Of course.  It's always me!!  When should I come over?

Now if you can.  Thanks!!  I owe you majorly!! 

Yeah, yeah..Just remember that you owe me!

I will!

I close my phone.  Good.  So far everything is working out.  I shove my phone in my pocket before walking over to my window.  I carefully open it, and look down.  My room is on the second floor.  I grab the really long piece of fabric around my heavy bed post.  I'm not sure where I got it, but it sure does come in handy when I sneak out.  I normally don't sneak out too often, but sometimes I find the need to take a midnight stroll or once when I was grounded and I snuck out to a party. 

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