Meet The Characters

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Dylan Wolfe ~

My name is Dylan Wolfe.  I'm a sophomore in high school, but I'm the most popular guy in school here.  I'm a model, an actor, and you guessed it, I also have my own band.  Girls are always flirting with me, but I don't mind.  I'm captain of the soccer team, and I get straight A's in honors classes.  That's right I'm your hot jock mixed with a nerd.  What can I say?  I got a little bit of everything in me.  Maybe that's why girls like me so much.  Anyway, there's a lot of secrets about me.  For one, I don't like to show people my intelligent side.  I also have a romantic side, but I don't show that either.  The guys in my school think I'm just the average player.  The girls probably think that too, but they're wrong.  I'm a lot more complicated than that.

Jason Arnold ~

I'm Dylan's cousin.  I'm also a sophomore, and captain of the basketball team.  I'm what you call a smart jerk who is also extremely good looking, and a player.  I'm really cocky and sometimes extremely annoying.  If you make me mad, I might make life a whole lot harder for you, so you best not make me mad.  Like Dylan, I have a side that no one seems to know about.  I've been through a lot in the past, but does anyone care?  Will that one girl ever come and change me?

Maya Stone ~

I'm Maya.  I'm 15, and a sophomore.  I'm also a nerd, but no one makes fun of me for that because I'm so nice.  Guys say I'm pretty, but I disagree.  All my friends have had been on dates and already had their first kiss except me.  I guess you can say I'm waiting for that one special boy.  Well, I'm hoping to find that special boy. 

Two Boys, One Girl, Three Hearts, and One YearWhere stories live. Discover now