Chapter 24

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(Your POV)

One word to describe how I'm feeling; miserable. I have came out of my room and went on with going to the studio and singing. I have a daily routine; wake up, eat, go to the studio, cry and sleep. Crying has became a daily thing for me.

I haven't seen Lauren at all the past few days. Camila and Ally come over to try and cheer me up, but it's no use. Not even the ball of sunshine can make me smile. Riley is trying to help Lauren by 'moving on'. In complete honestly, Riley is being a douche bag. But whatever.

I did finish the pack of beer, however, and I haven't had a drink since then. Camila found my fake I.D card and cut it in half, so that's out of the picture. Plus, everywhere I go, there's practically another person with me. It's annoying, but whatever.

I have bags under my eyes as I sing. I get ready to hit the high note, but I then break down crying.

"Fuck." I curse, kicking the wall.

"Y/N, stop." Keith grabs my shoulders, stopping me. "We get it, okay? You're going through something, it's alright. Why don't we take a break, yeah?"

I nod, wiping my tears away and exiting the room, going to sit down on the couch. Simon spins around in his chair, rolling over to me.

"Alright, what's up with you? This is our third time, Y/N." Simon asks.

"L-Lauren and I b-broke up." I mutter, wiping my tears away.

Simon sighs, "That's it for today, go home and rest, okay? Your negative energy is bouncing off of the walls."

I nod, standing up and walking out with Zac, while Keith and Riley pack up. I keep my head down, walking down the white walls of the studio. I look to my left, stopping at what I see. Lauren. She's with the other girls.

I lock eyes with her. Her usual green eyes are a drained out, almost grey. She also has bags under her eyes. My lip quivers as I look at her.

"Y/N," Zac sighs. "C'mon." I nod, looking away and following him out of the studio.


I lay on the couch, taking it all up as I curl up in the blankets. What has happened to me? The usual confident and goofy Y/N has turned pathetic and depressed. Lauren happened. Lauren entered my life and broke my heart.

"Y/N." I sit up, seeing Zac. "You need to eat something."

"I'm not hungry." I mumble, laying back down. And that's the truth, I'm not hungry. I haven't been since Lauren and I broke up. This is also unlikely. I'm usually hungry 24/7 and I could eat anything, but now? No. I don't have an appetite.

"Please eat, Y/N." My sister emerges from the kitchen. When did she get here? Why does it matter? "You haven't ate anything all day."

"Because I'm not hungry." I once again mumble.

"Not hungry? You've lost about five pounds, Y/N! Less then two days!" Camila exclaims, walking around the couch and handing me a bowl of grapes. "Please, for me."

I look at the grapes, then back up to her. I sigh and reluctantly grab the bowl, taking a grape and putting it in my mouth. I slowly chew a swallow it.  


"As your gay best friend! I suggest we go out!" Keith exclaims, walking into my room.

"I don't want too." I mumble. "And where would we go?"

"I don't know, we're underage, so I was thinking maybe the arcade?" He suggests, looking through my closest. I could use some fun, and video games are distracting. Plus, I haven't been to an arcade in along time.

"Okay." I give in. Keith grins, throwing me something to wear. "I'll be down in about five minuets."


Keith and I pull into the not so crowded arcade. Maybe about four other cars here. We get out of his car, closing the doors behind us. Attached to the arcade is a pizza place. We walk in, upbeat music playing and blinking lights from the games everywhere. We walk up to the cashier, hoping not to be notice.

Luckily, the person behind the cashier is a 46 year old looking man that is chubby and an unclean beard. We pay for the coins, splitting them and putting them in a red plastic cup. I look around, amazed by the games. I haven't been to an arcade since I was about 12.

I look to my left to see Keith gone. Looks like I'm on my own. I wander around the arcade, the black carpet stained, but it doesn't matter. I spot a game, Dance Dance Revolution. I look through the song lists, finding one. Luckily this is the 2015 version. It looks like a crappy building, but it has some good ass games.

I put on The Hills by The Weeknd. I put four coins in, getting ready. I follow the arrows, doing the proper moves. In the middle of the song, a girl around my age joins in, putting her coins in. I grin, feeling giddy and competing against the mystery girl.

As the song comes to an end, we're both out of breath. I look up to see it's a tie. I turn to the girl, a grin on my face.

"Hi." I say, catching my breath and getting off of the pad.

"Hey, I'm Stella." She smiles at me, her eyes widening when she realizes who I am. "Holy shit, aren't you that girl in Conquer Divide? My sister loves your band."

"Yeah," I mutter. "I was hoping not to be realized, but whatever. You got some moves." Now that I can look at Stella fully, she's very attractive. She has pink short hair, hazel eyes and pale skin.

"Thanks," She laughs. "I always had a passion for dancing, but never got into it. I'm more into art, you know?" Just like Lauren.

"Yeah," I sigh. "Anyways, I got a lot of coins, want to share?" I grin at her.


Stella is pretty cool. She loves to draw and skate, she says that's how she got here, by skating. Apparently she doesn't live to far from here and she's 17, like me. She's still in high school, though but luckily it's the summer time.

Stella also made me forget about Lauren for a few hours. And I know once I go back home, I'll remember Lauren and be sulking around.

"Hey, would you like to come over?" I ask, smiling at her as we exchange numbers. Another thing I like about her is that she doesn't care that I'm famous.

"You sure? I don't want to intrude or anything."

"I'm positive, now c'mon, we need to find Keith."


ooh, new girl. what'll happen?

Stella Stella Stella..

~Gracie, xoxo. :)

Lust And Love (Lauren / You)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz