Chapter 8

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(Your POV)

Why should I be upset that Lauren is dating Brad again? I shouldn't be, but I am. I just don't want to see her heartbroken again - and then I'm going to be the one to pick up the pieces.

I sigh and exit Camila's bunk, hopping onto my feet. I hear giggling in the longue, so I decide to check it out. Bad mistakes. It's Lauren. With Brad. Ew.

I roll my eyes and turn around, only to smack right into someone. I look up to see Normani.

"Dude - I know you have rock solid abs, but holy shit, my face hurts." I mumble, rubbing my nose.

Normani rolls her eyes but smiles.

"What're you up to, Y/N?" Normani asks.

"Running away from Bread and Lauren. It's literally disgusting." I say, turning around to look at them, then looking back at Normani.

"I don't like Brad, I never have," Normani says. "His other bandmates are fine, it's just Brad I don't like."

"Tell me about it." I mutter.

"How bout' this, to get your mind off of Brad and Lauren, want to go to the mall with Dinah, Camila, Ally and I?"

I nod.


What mall are we at? I don't know, but we're at a mall. Luckily it isn't that crowded. Only a couple of adults and toddlers. Not many teenagers. It's like the girls rented this place out. Ally and Normani split up, leaving me with Dinah and my sister.

"So," I say. "How's the happy couple going?"

"Pretty good." Dinah answers, smiling at Camila. Camila blushes and smiles back.

"Oh no," I mutter. "I'm the third fucking wheel."

I look around for any teenage girls - but I don't see any. Fuck.

We begin to walk to Forever 21, but I don't like this shop - whatever. My mind travels back to Bread and Lauren. Imagine what they're doing..on our bus..alone. Hopefully Bea or someone is there - I doubt it. No one wants to be around Bread.


We're currently walking back to the bus. I'm carrying most of the bags, fuck my life. I'm not even kidding, bags are in my hands and all over my arms. It's like the four of them are in couples. Normani and Ally, Dinah and Camila.

"You guys," I say, trying to catch up with them. "Are so fucking nice. I'm carrying everything."

They don't respond.

"Serious? I murdered someone."

They don't respond.

I frown. I know what would get their attention.

"I like Lauren."

They all stop, turning around to face me.

"Great! Now that I have your attention, carry some fucking bags." I demand, handing them some.

"Wait, dawg, are you serious?" Dinah asks.

"About the bag thing? Hell yeah!" I exclaim, now walking with less bags.

"No - the Lauren thing." Ally says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"No," I chuckle. "I just wanted your attention, seeing as you guys are being lovey-dovey with each other."

We enter the tour bus, me dropping the bags on the floor.

"FINALLY!" I shout, stretching my arms out. "My arms hurt."

"All you do is complain." Camila mummers.

"Shush," I say. "If you had to carry 100 bags, you'd understand."

"Or maybe you're just lazy." Ally says.

I glare at her, "Aren't you suppose to be the nice one?" I walk over to the couch, collapsing on it. Lauren and Bread aren't here.

I let out a heavy sigh, closing my eyes.

"You know what band should get back together?" I ask. "The Black Eyed Peas."

"What? Why them?" Camila questions. I open my eyes.

"Fergie." I simply answer, shrugging my shoulders.

Before anyone can respond, the door opens. I look over to see Lauren. I roll my eyes, knowing she just came back from Brad - Bread.

"How was your, uhm, hangout? With Brad?" Ally asks. Ally may not like Bread, but she cares about Lauren.

"It's Bread." I correct her.

"Brad, his name is Brad." Lauren looks at me.

"Brady, Brandon, Bread, Bren. What's the difference?"

"The difference is that you're being a bitch! God you're so fucking annoying!" Lauren exclaims, glaring at me. It goes silent, nobody saying a word. If that was suppose to hurt me, it did. Hell, it stung like a bitch.

"Uhm," I clear my throat. "Yeah, okay. Sorry." I fake a smile, getting up. I walk to Camila's bunk, getting inside. I bring my knees up to my chest, resting my chin on my knees.

I furrow my eyebrows. What I don't get, is why Lauren would go back to Brad? Or why I care so much? If it was anyone else, I wouldn't care. But for some odd reason, I care so fucking much about Lauren. I then remember Camila's question.

"Do you like Lauren, as in more then a friend?"

Do I? I said no, I only liked her as a friend. But do I like Lauren? I obviously care about her - but like? Even if I did, it wouldn't matter. She's with Brad.

I admit, I like Lauren. How do I know? Because I'm fucking crying. I wipe my tears away when someone comes into the bunk. I automatically know it's my sister. Camila wraps her arms around me, running her hands through my hair.

"Camila," I whisper. "I like Lauren."

Camila sighs, "I know." I rest my head on her chest, snuggling up to her.

"I'm scared." I mumble.


"Because," I look up at her, meeting her gaze. "I've never liked anyone before. The girls I was with, they were just a quick fuck. But this - this is real, real fucking feelings."

Camila softly sighs, kissing the top of my head.

"I know. I know that you're confused, but trust me, Y/N. Everything will work out. It may not have the happy ending you want, but it'll end somehow."

"She's not even sorry. And usually, this wouldn't hurt my feelings, but fuck, it hurts." I mummer.

Camila doesn't respond, instead, she just runs her fingers through my hair. I grow tired. I close my eyes, a sigh once more, before falling asleep.

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