Chapter 1

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(Your POV)

"I'm sorry, mija, but you're spiraling out of control!" My mother exclaims.

"So you're sending me to live with Camila? That's great parenting right there!" I sarcastically say.

"..Y/N.." Dad warns me.

Okay, so, basically the situation at hand here is that, I, Y/N Cabello, sister of Camila Cabello, is getting sent to go on tour - with, her bandmates. Apparently, I've been bringing home to many girls and drinking too much.

I'm 17, so what if it's underage drinking? Yeesh.

"No, you guys are basically disowning me!" I throw my hands up in the air. Camila agreed to me living with her for some time, seeing as she knows all about me. My parents trash talk me to Camila on the phone and skype.

"Y/N," Mom sighs. "Just please, do this."

I look at the two with an unbelievable look on my face. Seeing as they aren't kidding, I storm up the stairs, passing Sofi's room and softly shutting my door, not wanting to wake her up. I've always had a soft spot for Sofi. I don't know why, I just did.

I take my suitcase out of my closest. I unzip it and lay it own my bed. I grab my shirts, neatly fold them, and then put them into the suitcase. Next, I take out my jeans and put them in, along with my underwear, bra's and socks. I grab my tank tops, putting them in.

I can't believe they're sending me to live with Camila. Camila and I used to be the best of sisters. But then she audition for X-Factor and forgot all about me. She promised she'd call everyday, but she didn't. We grew apart. No texts, no calls, no letters, nothing.

I then started to grow distant with my family - except for Sofi. I started drinking and having a lot of sex. My family accepts me for being a lesbian. They just don't accept me bringing home a different girl each night. They want me to stay with one. For fuck sakes, I'm 17, not 42. They act like I should get fucking married.

They want me to be an adult, but they treat me like a fucking child. First, it was no car. Second, it was no going out after school. Now, it's sending me off to live with my sister? What the hell?

I zip my suitcase up and put it by my door. I sigh and turn off my lamp, collapsing onto my bed.

Fuck my life.


"Y/N, mija, wake up."

I groan and open my eyes, coming face to face with my mom.

"It's almost time for you to leave." She says, getting up.

"Can't wait to get rid of me, huh?" I mummer, getting out of bed. She walks out of my room, shutting the door behind me. I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

I put on blue jeans, an old hoodie and converses. I really don't feel like going all out for my outfit today. I grab my phone and put it into my pocket. I grab my suitcase, dragging it down the stairs. I set it by the door.


I turn around to see Sofi. I smile and bend down.

"G'morning." I say.

"Where are you going?"

I sigh and look up to see mom starring at me. I look back down at Sofi.

"I'm going on a tiny vacation." I tell her, ruffling her hair as I stand up. Just then, the doorbell rings. I roll my eyes and open it to see Camila and the tour bus behind her.

Once Sofi sees Camila, her face lights up. Sofi squeals and runs over to her. I turn to mom and dad.

"I'll see you guys, I guess." I shrug.

"We love you, mija." Dad says.

"Love you too, dad." I mummer. Hey, they may get on my nerves, my they're still my parents. I bend down to Sofi, once again. "I'm leaving now, Sofi." I sadly say.

Sofi frowns, "Oh, bye." Tears swell into her eyes.

I sigh, "Bye baby-girl, I love you." I kiss her forehead, standing up. I grab my suitcase and turn around to face Camila, who is smiling ear to ear.

"Y/N!" Camila exclaims.

"Camila." I say, nodding at her and brushing pass her.

I wait by the tour bus door, seeing there is a code. Camila says something to mom and dad, then closes the door. She is silent once she gets here and unlocks the door. I drag my suitcase on board, standing in the lounge.

"The girls are still asleep," Camila quietly says. "We had a show last night and they're pretty tired."

I nod and sit down on the couch. This bus is like..a mini house or something. Camila awkwardly stands there, rocking back and forth on her heels. I sigh and get my phone out. I log onto Twitter, scrolling through it.

"Uhm..I'm going to go back to bed now.." Camila mumbles. I nod, not making eye contact with her. She sighs and walks back to her bunk.

I scroll through my phone for about an hour till I hear a curtain open. I ignore it and continue to scroll through my phone.


I jump and my phone falls to the ground. I look up to see a small girl.

"Holy fuck, could you be any louder?" I ask, rubbing my head. I then see she has a pan in her hands. "Holy shit, put the fucking pan down."

"What's going on Al - WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" An African American girl comes out, rubbing her eyes. I sit back, watching in amusement as the two stare at me.

"God, if your screaming can wake me up, then I wonder what's going on." A tall girl says. "YO DAWG - Who the hell?"

"And then there were three." I say, a smile playing on my lips. I must say, though, these three girls are all beautiful.

"Guys, would you shut the fuck up? I swear to fucking god." A girl with raven hair and..beautiful green eyes come out. Okay - I think I like her the best because she used fuck more then once already. "Oh, hello?"

"CAMILA! Your friends have awoken!" I shout.


the first chapter..basically..

next chapter will leave off right here..


~Gracie xoxo

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