Chapter 15

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(Your POV)

Months went by and I've been miserable. Sure, Lauren and I text and call, but that's not the same as hugging and kissing. Camila calls me everyday to see how I'm doing. I haven't drank or had sex since..whenever.

I sigh and stand up. It's 5:23 PM and the girls haven't answered my calls at all today. I'm guessing their busy. I'm wearing black skinny jeans, a dark purple V-neck and purple vans. I put my phone in my back pocket, just in case they do call.

I sigh and head downstairs. Sofi is at a friends house for a sleep over. Mom is cooking in the kitchen and Dad is watching sports. Mom and Dad do know about Lauren, but they don't question it. They say as long as I'm not drinking and sleeping around, they're fine with it. Oh, and also if I'm happy, they're happy.

I haven't been my usual self, and Mom and Dad notice it. They asked me why, and I said, "I miss them. I miss Lauren's hugs and kisses. I miss how Camila and I would cuddle. I just miss them."

The thing is, I haven't told them that I said I love Lauren. I just hope she's happy and enjoying herself on this tour. I sit in one of the chairs, curling myself up and bringing my phone out. I stare at my phone, waiting and hoping for them to call. I hear the TV playing and the cheers, meaning something interesting happened.

I hear the doorbell go off, but I pay no attention to it. I hear my mother stop cooking to go answer it, seeing as neither Dad or I will answer it. My phone dings, so I race to pick it up - but it's a notification on Twitter, making me frown.

"Y/N," Mom says. "You have visitors."

Visitors? The fuck?

I raise an eyebrow, "No. I'm waiting for Lauren to call. I'm not going out."

The person chuckles, "I'm right here."

I drop my phone and stand up, turning around to see Lauren, my sister and everyone else. A smile spreads over my face. I run and jump onto Lauren, wrapping my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck. In reflex, Lauren puts her hands under my thighs.

"Are all of you Cabello's like this?" Lauren asks, referring to our hugs. I burry my face into the crook of her neck.

"No loving's for your sister?" Camila whines. I laugh and jump off of Lauren. I tightly hug Camila, which she returns.

I pull away from Camila and smile at her before moving onto Mani.

"How's my favorite dancer doing?" I grin, hugging her. "You still have solid abs, good." Mani giggles.

I pull away and move onto Dinah. I stand up straighter, trying to match her height.

"You're too tall," I mumble, wrapping my arms around her. "Did you treat my sister good?"

Dinah smirks, "Real good." She winks. My eyes widen and I remove my arms off of her.

"Uh, well.." Too much information, D. I shake my head and move onto Ally. "My favorite ball of sunshine!" I exclaim, picking her up and hugging her.

"I'm small and I can't breath, Y/N." Ally chokes out. I put her down, but she has a big smile on her face. I step back to look at the girls.

"I'm glad you're here - but why?" I ask, putting my hands in my pockets.

"Well," Mom comes up from behind me. "You're actually going back on tour with them."

I smile, big and wide.

"Except," A deep British voice comes into the room.  "You'll also be performing."

First off, where the fuck did Simon Cowell come from? And second; what the fuck?

"You haven't even heard-"

"The girls said you're really good, so I'm trusting them."

I glare at the girls, who give a sheepish smile back.

I sigh, "A solo act, correct?"

"No," He says. "You're now in a band, lead singer."

"The fuck? Who am I working with?" I ask, now sitting down. "And can I show off my sexuality?"

"Yeah, I mean, you're kinda dating Lauren, correct?" I nod, glancing at Lauren, who shrugs. "Plus your sister and Dinah are already out too the public."

I nod, "Who am I working with?" I ask again. Just as I say that, a girl and two other boys come in. The girl holds drumsticks in her hand, twiddling them around.

"These three," He motions to them, "Are your new bandmates. Riley," He points to the girl. "Keith and Zac."

Riley has long brown hair with pink tips at the end, Keith has a blonde shaved head and Zac has nice brown hair. They all look about my age.

"This is great." I mutter. "Fantastic, just put me in a band without telling me."

"Wait - she didn't know?" Riley asks. "Simon, you said she knew."

Simon shrugs and pulls something out - a contract.

"What if I don't sign this?" I ask, glaring at him.

"Y/N, just sign it." Camila sighs. I snatch the contract out of his hand, grabbing a pen off of the table and signing it. I hand it back to him and stand up. Without a word, I head upstairs to pack.


I put my things in my bunk. Our band name is, Conquer Divide. (A/N: real band btw, I like them. so why not use their name?)

If you're wondering if I'm mad? A little, I mean, who puts a person in a band without their permission? What if I didn't want to be famous? I like to keep my talent to myself, and the only reason the girls heard is because I trusted them. But then they go to Simon and tell.

I sigh and sit on the couch. We have our own tour bus.

"I vote we get to know each other!" Keith exclaims. "Alright, who's first? Uhm, Riley, you go."

"My name is Riley, I'm 18 and I play the drums. I'm also bi-sexual." And emo.

"I'm Zac, straight, 19 and guitar." And a fuck boy.

"I'm Keith, gay, 17, and bass!" And perky.

"I'm Y/N, lesbian, 17 and singer, I guess." I sigh, lea

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