Chapter 4

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(Camila's POV)

I enter the tour bus with the other girls. I haven't smiled since Y/N ran out of the room. I never knew that I was the cause of it. Mom and Dad said that Y/N didn't want to come - not that she couldn't. I thought she hated me, so that's why I didn't call or text.

I make my way to my bunk, opening the curtain. Y/N is snuggled up into my blankets, wearing one of my sweatshirts. My insides melt at the sight.

"She doesn't hate you, Mils." Dinah whispers from next to me. "She still loves you. She's just upset that you didn't call her."

I stare at Y/N, her hair falling over her face. I smile and kiss her on the forehead, then close the curtain.

I turn to Dinah, "Can I sleep with you tonight?"

Dinah smiles and nods.

(Your POV)

For once, I get a good night sleep. I then realize I'm not on the couch - but in a bunk. Fuck, whose bunk is this? I look around to see it's Camila's. I'm also wearing her sweatshirt. What the hell happened last night? I then remember the events last night.

I sigh and hop out of her bunk. I know she noticed, because it's her bunk..obviously. I take off her sweatshirt, throwing it into her bunk. I get dress, putting on skinny jeans, a V-neck shirt and combat boots. I put on a red flannel, just to add to the outfit.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair, looking around the room, I find an acoustic guitar in the corner. I pick it up and sit back down on the couch. I begin to strum the guitar.

You only know what I want you to

I know everything you don't want me to

Oh your mouth is poison, your mouth is wine

You think your dreams are the same as mine

Oh I don't love you but I always will

Oh I don't love you but I always will

Oh I don't love you but I always will

I always will

I wish you'd hold me when I turn my back

The less I give the more I get back

Oh your hands can heal, your hands can bruise

I don't have a choice but I'd still choose you

Oh I don't love you but I always will

Oh I don't love you but I always will

Oh I don't love you but I always will

Oh I don't love you but I always will

Oh I don't love you but I always will

Oh I don't love you but I always will

Oh I don't love you but I always will

I always will

I always will

I always will

I always will

I always will

I hear clapping, making me open my eyes. I look to see the ladies of Fifth Harmony. I wipe the tears from my eyes, standing up. I put the guitar back where I found it.

"The Civil Wars." Lauren points out. "Poison & Wine."

I look at her, nodding, "You listen to them?"

"Hell yeah." Lauren chuckles. I smile at her, then look at Camila, locking eyes with her. Where'd she sleep last night? She wasn't on the couch, so she must've slept with one of the girls.

I look away, bringing my knees to my chest and resting my head on my knees.

"What are we doing today?" I ask, looking at the girls.

"We're on the road today." Ally informs us. I groan and nod. I don't like being on the road. I don't like being stuck up in a bus for more then one day.

"Can the whole Cabello family play guitar?" Normani asks in a joking manner.

"I didn't even know she could play." Camila mummers with a sigh. "Hey, uhm, Y/N, can we speak - please?"

I hesitantly nod, standing up and following her into the back. I sit down on the couch, while she stands in front of me.

"Where do I start - uh, okay. I'm sorry for not calling you..or texting or writing. Mom and Dad said that you didn't want to come - so I thought you hated me." Camila quietly speaks.

I sigh, "I don't hate you. I'm just upset. I've always wanted to come and visit you, I just couldn't." I shrug. "But I'm guessing Mom and Dad lied, huh?"

Camila sadly smiles and nods. We sit in an awkward silence, neither of us not knowing what to do. I've missed my sister, I really have. Now that I know the real reason, I can forgive her. I suddenly wrap my arms around her. Camila doesn't hesitate to hug me back.


We're all watching a movie. All of us as in Fifth Harmony, Demi, Bea and Cara. I'm sitting in-between Lauren and Ally. Camila is sitting next to Dinah. They look a little bit..too touchy, but whatever.

I self-consciously rest my head on Lauren's shoulder. She tenses, but relaxes after a minuet or two. I sigh and look away from the movie - not really interested. I close my eyes, growing tired. I'm glad I fixed things with Camila, everything will be okay between us.

Doesn't mean I changed, though. Doesn't mean that I'll stop drinking and having sex numerous of times. I mean, I'll try. I'll try for Camila - not for my parents, but for Camila, Sofi and I. I'll try to enjoy this tour. I'll try my hardest.

Maybe this tour won't be such a bad thing, maybe this tour will have some benefits to it. Maybe I can make some new friends or some shit. But one benefit is that I get to see my sister more often. And maybe, just maybe, we can go back to how we used to be.

I sure hope so, though. Even if we don't, I'll always love Camila. Even if she grows to hate me, I'll always love her, because she's my sister. She's blood related, she's family.

I fall into a deep slumber. My head on Lauren's shoulder.

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