Chapter 11

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(Your POV)

I splash the cold water into my face. I turn the water off and grab a paper towel, wiping my face off. Why did I do that? I needed a wake up call. Lauren is straight. Not gay. She'll only see me as a friend, and I need to remember that.

I exit the restroom and walk down the venue. As I'm walking, I see Bread. Anger boils in me as I stare at him, but someone grabs my fist, instantly calming me down.

"I know how badly you want to punch him, but where would that get you?" Lauren whispers in my ear. Where the fuck did she come from?

I sigh and turn around, facing Lauren.

"It'd give him a taste of his own medicine." I mumble. Lauren sighs and gives me a side hug, which I return.

"He's not worth it."

I raise an eyebrow, "Baby I'm worth it."

Lauren rolls her eyes and playfully shoves me. I smile as we continue to walk to their dressing room.

"So you do listen to our songs?" Lauren asks.

"It's all over the radio, Laur."


The girls got done with their show about an hour ago. I'm currently waiting for them in the tour bus. I sigh and get out my phone, logging onto Twitter. The fans and media has been seeing more of me with the girls, so I've gain a lot of followers. And they now know that I am Camila's sister, giving me even more followers.

I scroll through some tweets that the fans sent me, frowning at some of the mean ones. I softly sigh and turn my phone off. The tour bus opens and in comes the girls.

"You guys did great." I compliment them, looking up at the ceiling as I lay on the couch. I sit up and cross my legs. "I'm bored."

"Truth or Dare." Dinah smirks. "Gather around!"

I internally groan and sit between Lauren and Ally. Dinah grabs a water bottle and spins it, it landing on Ally.

"Truth." Ally says.

"Hm, have you and Troy do the dirty?" Dinah asks, a raised eyebrow. Ally blushes, giving us our answer. "Alright then not so innocent Ally!" Out of the corner of my eye, I see Normani clenching her fists together. I raise an eyebrow but ignore it.

Ally spends the bottle and it lands on Camila.


"Why don't you and Dinah come out to us already?" Ally asks, causing Camila's eyes to widen.

"O-Oh my god." I laugh.

"Wait - you knew?" Dinah asks.

"Pretty obvious." Normani shrugs.

"I told you so." I tell Dinah and Camila, who glare at me. Camila glares at me and spends the bottle, it landing on me. "Dare."

Camila smirks, along with Dinah. "I dare you too kiss Lauren - on the lips for at least 30 seconds."

I tense up, my eyes widening.

"O-Only if it's okay with Lauren." I say, turning to Lauren. She hesitantly nods. Fuck. I crawl over to her, starring into her emerald eyes. She stares right back at me.

"KISS ALREADY!" One of the girls shout, but I'm too focus on Lauren to acknowledge who it was.

I lick my lips and lean in, pressing my lips on hers. Shocks, fireworks, whatever you want to call it flows through me. My eyes are closed, but I don't know if Lauren's are. I feel her soft lips kiss me back, taking me by surprise.


I pull apart, opening my eyes to be greeted by Lauren's green ones. I then realized what I just did. I kissed her. Fuck.

My eyes widen and I stand up. Lauren's face has an unreadable expression. Did she like it? Fuck. I run out of the room, going into the back lounge. I close the door.

What did I just do? Probably ruin my chances with her. She probably didn't even like it - but why would she kiss back? From pity? I wipe my tears away, seeing as I'm crying. I sit down on the couch, bringing my knees up to my chest.

The door opens - probably Camila.

"Go away, Camila." I mutter, sniffling. The couch dips next to me.

"It's not Camila." The raspy voice says - Lauren. I don't respond, seeing as I'm fearful of what she'll say. "If you think I'm mad at you, I'm not. But, it all now makes sense."

"What does?" I ask, still not looking up. I keep my head buried in my knees.

"Why you were so pissed off when I got back with Brad. Why you almost beat the shit out of him. Why you were the one comforting me," Lauren sighs. "I never knew you liked me, Y/N."

"God damn it, Lauren!" I exclaim, looking up. "I don't like you! I fucking love you!"

To say Lauren looks shocked is an understatement. Her expression is again, unreadable.

"I love you," I cry. "I fucking love someone that isn't my sister. God, I love a girl that is straight! I love a girl who doesn't fucking love me - no, like me, back."

Lauren reaches out and grabs my collar, pulling me towards her and smashing her lips against hers. I don't hesitate to kiss her back. I wrap my arms around her neck, since I'm shorter then her. Lauren brings me closer by wrapping her arms around my waist. Once breathing becomes a problem, I break away and rest my forehead against hers.

"What does this mean?" I ask in a whisper, starring into her green eyes. This is defiantly a sign that she likes me back, right? It may not be love - but it'll do for now.

"I," Lauren takes a deep breath. "I don't know. But we'll work it out."

We sit down, me next to her. I rest my head on her chest. Her heart is beating fast - hey, mine might be beating faster. It probably is. Lauren places her hand on my back, sending warmth through me. I softly sigh and cuddle into her.

Lauren rests her head on mine, closing her eyes.

We'll work it out, hopefully with a happy ending.

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