Chapter 13

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(Your POV)

"Damn it!" I curse with a pout on my face. Dinah just beat me in arm wrestling. "You cheated."

"How so?"

" just did!" I exclaim. Dinah rolls her eyes and stands up, leaving me. "YOU DID CHEAT." Dinah doesn't respond, instead she goes to Camila - probably.

I slump in my chair, my arms crossed.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asks, taking a seat from across me.

"Dinah cheated in arm wrestling." I mumble.

Lauren laughs, "Come on, we're going shopping."


"I thought you meant shopping for clothes, not shopping for food." I say as we walk into Walmart. "I mean, didn't we just go shopping last week?"

Lauren grabs a cart, "Yeah. But you and your sister eat a lot."

"Are you calling me fat?" I feigned offence.

Lauren rolls her eyes and begins to push the cart. I sigh and catch up with her. Ally is still a little down about her break up with Troy, so I guess that's why Lauren is shopping today. Lauren is wearing a disguise, though. A black beanie and black sunglasses.

"Lern." I say.


I pick up a bag of donuts and turn around. I shove it in her face.

"Pleaseeee?" I beg, giving the puppy dog eyes. Lauren gives in and nods. I grin and put the bag of donuts in the cart.

"And you wonder why I called you fat." Lauren mumbles under her breath. I choose to ignore her and continue to walk down the isle.

I feel bad for Ally. I mean, our little ball of sunshine is our depressed ball of darkness. Well - not really, just a tiny bit. And I think, Normani likes her. Yeah yeah, big accusation, right? Well, Normani is currently comforting Ally, Normani was smiling once she got the news, and whenever the girls talk about Ally and Troy, she gets pissed.

"Lern," I say. "Do you think Mani likes Ally?"

Lauren shrugs, "I mean, I've thought of it and all. But, no, why?"

"Just asking." I mumble. We walk past the Nerf Gun isle - but I stop, making Lauren stop. I grin and skip over to the Nerf Guns.


I don't listen to her and grab one - luckily it's open and loaded. I smirk and turn around, facing her. Without warning, I start shooting her.

"Y/N! What the hell?" Lauren shouts. I shoot her in the forehead, causing her to flinch. "You little shit."

I laugh as she starts to chase me. I take off, dodging some people. I run down the Barbie section, that is covered in pink and glittery shit. Lauren being fast, tackles me to the ground in the outdoor isle. My Nerf Gun skids across the floor, making it out of reach for me. Lauren straddles my waist, making it hard to get up.

"Laur.." I chuckle nervously.

"Y/N.." She mimics. "You hit me in the forehead with a foam dart!"

I give a cheeky smile, "You still look beautiful."

Lauren blushes and rolls her eyes. She then digs her fingers into my sides, tickling me.

"N-No s-staph!" I laugh, squirming under her grip.

"Say you're sorry!" Lauren grins.

"N-no." We've attracted a crowd of people, but who cares? I don't, Lauren doesn't. Lauren's disguise came off when I she tackled me - so people know who she is and who I am.


"O-Okay!" I breath out. "I-I'm sorry."

Lauren smiles and stops, getting off of me. I catch my breath and stand up, groaning in the process.


I look at my phone to see this trend;


Uh, I'm guessing someone recorded Lauren and I at Walmart and posted it? I don't know, but it's trending on Twitter. I'm on the couch, eating my bag of donuts. They're not the powdery kind, they're the chocolate kind.

"You're fat."

"Shush, Camz. You're fatter." I say to my sister, putting a donut in my mouth. "Actually - no, all of the food goes to your booty."

It then goes silence, seeing as what I just said.

"..What?" Ally breaks the silence.

"It's true," I shrug. "I'm not kidding, look at it."

"I'm your sister, Y/N. What the hell?" Camila laughs.

"Ask Dinah." My voice is muffled from the donut in my mouth, but I swallow it.

"So, Y/SN." Normani wiggles her eyebrows. "Walmart was fun, wasn't it?"

"No, she tickled me to death."

"You shot me with a Nerf Gun."

"You tackled me, on WALMART FLOORS. THAT'S DISGUSTING!" I exclaim, looking at Lauren.

"That is pretty nasty, Laur." Dinah pipes in.

"Yeah, Lern." I stick my tongue out at her, the bits of donuts showing.

"Ew," She makes a disgusted face. "Close your mouth." I roll my eyes and close it, putting the bag of donuts up. I sigh and move over to Lauren, resting my head on her shoulder.

I then notice how close Normani and Ally are sitting.

"Normally." I whisper. Lauren hears me in looks over at the two.

"Normally." Lauren nods, whispering it back to me.

Camila's phone rings, so she answers it.

"Hello? Oh, hey ma. What? No, she's doing great," Camila frowns. "Oh..uh, okay. Yeah, love you too, bye."

"What'd she want?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Camila sighs and puts her phone away. I mean, she did frown..

"You're going home tomorrow."

What? Home? Tomorrow? What about Camila? Would we go back to not seeing each other again? No calling or texting? No visits? What about Lauren? No no, I can't leave Lauren. I love her. I want to stay here. And if I go back there, I know I'll start my old habits back up.

"No." I sternly say. "I'm not going home. I'm happy here."

Lauren is tense and stiff, not saying a word.

"Y/N, I want you to stay here, I really do, but - "

I cut Camila off, "But what? Our parents manage everything we do? Camila, you're 18 for god sakes! Sorry Ally, but god damn it, Camila!"

"You know if it was my choice I'd let you stay."

"I'm not leaving. They can't force me."

Camila sighs, "Your plane leaves tomorrow at 6, in the afternoon. We'll be at the airport by 4."

"Like I said," I say. "I'm not leaving."

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