Chapter 29

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(Your POV)

I barge into Dinah's room to see her on her bed, looking at her phone. I slam the door behind me, causing her head to snap up.

"What the hell is wrong with you, huh? No - who the hell do you think you are?" I ask.

"Y/N," She quietly speaks. "Stop, okay?"

"Fuck sakes Dinah, I'm not going to stop. You fucking broke my sister's heart!" I exclaim, raising my voice. "She absolutely adores you and you go behind her back a cheat on her! With who, Nela? Jesus Christ! I'm disappointed in you." I exit her room, shutting the door.

I then make my way back downstairs to Camila and Lauren. Camila has stopped sobbing and is now silently crying into Lauren's shoulder. I sigh, running a hand through my hair. I frown and sit next to Camila, rubbing her back. I look at Lauren with a worried expression, which she mirrors.


Dinner is awkward. Dinah and Camila have red puffy eyes. I'm surprised I didn't go ballistic on Dinah. I mean, she hurt my sister, and whoever hurts my sister, I hurt them. But Dinah is different. Is it because she's part of my family? Or the fact that I can actually see she loves Camila.

"Okay," I break the silence. "Dinah, you come with me, right now." Lauren shoots me a glance, but I ignore it, walking out of the room and into the backyard. I hear Dinah shut the door behind me.

I turn to look at her, looking at her in the eyes.

"Dinah, I'm not only disappointed in you, but fucking confused. Why would you do that to her? To my sister? And in all honesty, I'm surprised I haven't punched you in the fucking eye yet. But, we all make mistakes. It's in human nature, alright? So, what I want you to do, is fucking get your head back in the game. Go get your girl back, my sister. Because seeing her cry is not fucking normal." I demand.

Dinah nods, wiping her eyes.

"Good, now go make her fucking happy."


I flop onto the bed next to Lauren, who is reading. The lamp next to her is turned on. I sigh resting my head up in my hands. Lauren's hair is put up in a bun. She's wearing her reading glasses, that are on the bridge of her nose. Her green eyes move back and forth, reading the pages.

I sigh, sitting up and next to her. She doesn't acknowledge me. She pushes the rim of her glasses up.

"Lern." No response. I sigh, knowing what'll get her attention. I attach my lips onto her neck, softly kissing it. I go upwards, biting her ear.

"Y-Y/N?" Lauren stammers, putting the book down. I smirk, climbing onto her, now on her waist. I push her down onto her back, taking the glasses down and putting them on the dresser. I press my lips onto hers.

Lauren kisses me back, me having her full attention now. I roll off of her, now next to her.

"W-what? You fucking tease." She hits my arm playfully.

I roll my eyes, "Well apparently that book is more interesting then me, your own girlfriend." What? I'm needy.

She grins, "Aw, did lil' ol' Y/N want some Lauren?"

"Yes," I pout. "I want to cuddle." Lauren smiles, holding her arms out. I shuffle closer to her, resting my head on her chest. I sigh, thinking about Camila and Dinah.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asks, looking down at me.

"Do you think Dinah and Camila will work it out?"

"Yeah, I hope so," She frowns. "If not, they'll for sure be best friends again. I just can't believe Dinah would cheat on Camila."

"With Nela, at the fact."

"I'm also surprised you didn't bitch slap her."

I chuckle, "Me too. I was about to, but everyone makes mistakes."

Lauren softly sighs, running her fingers through my hair.


I wake up to the smell of food. I raise an eyebrow, getting out of Lauren's death grip. I exit her room, walking downstairs. I look in the kitchen to see - Dinah? Cooking? I'm surprised she's even up this early.

"Dinah?" I rasp out. "You're cooking?"

"Yeah," She smiles. "But it's not for you, it's for Camila. We talked yesterday and made up, though we're not back together - yet. I feel bad so I'm making breakfast in bed for her."

I hum in response, grabbing a glass and the orange juice out of the fridge. I shake it up, then pour it into the glass. I put the juice back into the fridge.

"Honestly, D," I lift myself up onto the counter, the glass in my hand. "I'm pissed at you. And you're luckily I haven't punched you yet, and that I'm talking to you."

Dinah sighs, putting the food on a plate.

"I know," She mummers. "I'm an idiot."

"Damn right you are." I scoff, taking a sip of my drink. Lauren then emerges into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes.

"Aw," She whines. "I thought you were cooking."

I chuckle, "Nope. D is cooking for Camila, breakfast in bed."

Lauren raises an eyebrow, "Surprised that you guys aren't bleeding." I shrug, drinking my OJ. Dinah then leaves the kitchen, the food in her hand.

Lauren walks over to me, now standing in between my legs. I smile, bringing the glass to my lips. Lauren's hands are on my thighs. I put the glass down, Lauren attaching her lips to mine. My arms are now around Lauren's neck, hanging loosely. I rest my forehead on Lauren's.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too."


I jump, a little startle. I look behind Lauren to see Normani.

I roll my eyes, Lauren moving away from me. I hop off of the counter, putting my glass into the sink.

"Like you and Ally or anyone else haven't kissed on the counter. At least Lauren and I are classy and make out on the bed or couch." I scoff.

"There's classy making out?" Lauren asks.

"I don't know, but Y/N may have some weird fetishes."

"Totally," I sarcastically say. "I have a secret room with all types of toys and leather and shit."


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