Chapter 20

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(Your POV)

One question and one word; why? Why me? Why did she kiss him? Why did I have to fall in love with her? Why a straight girl? Why? Just fucking why? And out of all people, it's him. BREAD. BRAD. BREAD.

The guy who hit her and mistreated her. The guy I defended her from. I treated her like a queen, I gave her everything, so; fucking why? And now what do I do? Mope around and be depressed? Cry over her? I don't know, I've never been in this situation.

But for one thing, I'm not going to talk to her. I'm pissed the fuck off. Oh, and also fucking sad. My heart feels like it just shattered into a million pieces. I sit in my bed, starring at the wall ahead of me. My phone goes off for the millionth time. I ignore it.

My cheeks are tear stained and my knees are up to my chest. I hear muffled shouting form downstairs, but then it stops.

A knock is at my door.

"Y/N." That raspy voice belongs to Lauren.

"Go away." I mumble.

(Lauren's POV) 

"Just let me explain!" I shout. Camila is glaring at me. It quiets down. "I had to use the restroom - so I went to use it and then I came out. I was walking back when Brad came up to me. I tried to get away, but he pinned me up against the wall and kissed me!"

Camila looks into my eyes. Her facial expression softens and she nods, motioning me to go upstairs.

I sigh and knock on Y/N's door.


"Go away." I hear her hoarse voice, breaking my heart. I rest my head on the door.

"Y/N, please let me explain." I softly say. "Fine, I'll explain right here. I didn't kiss Brad. He kissed me, Y/N. I was walking back from the restroom and he pinned me up against the wall." My voice cracks. "Please Y/N."

It's quiet for awhile. I can tell she's thinking. I then hear soft footsteps and the door opens. Automatically, arms wrap around me. I sigh in relief and hug her back.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles. "For not giving you a chance to e-explain yourself."

"It's alright," I whisper. "I could see how bad that looked. It's okay, though. We're okay."

As I stand here and hold Y/N, I now realize something. That I love her. Her goofiness, her voice, everything. I love her. And I can't live without her.

(Your POV)

"You know what I've always wanted?"

"What?" Lauren asks. We're in my bedroom, lying down on my bed.

"A tattoo." I say, tracing her Roman Numeral tattoo.

"What would it be?"

What would it be? Hm. Something that means a lot to me. Lauren and music means a lot too me.

"Eyes," I say. "Green eyes." I look up, meeting her eyes. Lauren hums in response, a smile on her face as she stares back down at me.

We've been in my room for a couple of hours now. Camila has came up to check up on us, and we told her we wanted to be alone. She said okay and left.

"Laur," I softy say. "When are you going to come out to the media?"

Lauren sighs, "I don't know, I'm scared."

I nod, taking her hand in mine and interlacing our fingers.

"Whenever you're ready, I'm ready." I mumble, resting my head on her shoulder. She smiles and kisses the top of my head. "I love you. I don't expect you to-"

"I love you too."

"Say again?"

"I. Love. You."

My eyes widen and my heart begins to race. I sit up, turning to look at her with a smile on my face. I cup her face

"You said it." I whisper. "I love you, oh my god."

Lauren giggles and nods. I bring her into a passionate kiss. It's not rushed or hungry, or too slow, but just right. Lauren wraps her arms around my waist, pulling me onto her lap. I straddle her waist, my hands tangling in her hair. Her hands are now on my hips, keeping me steady. I skid my tongue on her bottom lip, asking for entrance.

She allows it and I slip my tongue into her mouth. I remove my lips from her mouth, now going to her neck. I start sucking on her neck, making Lauren let out a moan. She tilts her head back, giving me more room. I stop sucking on her neck, seeing as I created a bruise.

"Y/NNN." Lauren whines.

"Woops," I shrug, a smirk on my face. "People now know that you're taken."

Lauren smiles just as someone comes into my room. I get off of Lauren and turn around to see Dinah.

"Ooh, you two gettin' it on?" She wiggles her eyebrows. "Oh lord, totally, hickey proves it."

Lauren blushes, while I grin.

Dinah snickers, "Anyways, you two love birds get yo ass downstairs, we're watching a movie."


I sigh and lay my head on Lauren's chest. I look up and stare at her. She's too interested in the movie to notice me starring at her. Her pale skin in the dark makes her visible, along with her bright green eyes. Lauren looks down, then back to the movie, then back to me.

"What?" Lauren asks.

"Nothing," I sigh. "I love you."

Lauren smiles, "I love you too."

"AW OH MY GAWD THEY SAID I LOVE YOU!" Camila shouts from next to us, causing everyone to jump.

"Shh!" She gets hushed.

"No! MY BABY SISTER IS IN LOVEE!" Camila squeals, making me awkwardly smile. Lauren chuckles while I shift uncomfortably. "But if you, Lauren, hurt her I will not hesitate to get Dinah on you."

Lauren stops chuckling and nods, causing me to snicker.

"Dinah what?" Dinah asks, looking over at us, then quickly back to the movie.

"If Lauren hurts Y/N, I'll get you on her."

"Yeah yeah," Dinah mumbles. "Whatever."

"Lern." She doesn't respond, looking at the movie. "Lern Jergi. Laur. Lauren. BABE. LAUREN. LERN!" She finally looks at me. "I love you."

She giggles, "I love you too."

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