Chapter Twenty-Two

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As soon as I woke up I looked to my right, expecting to see Christian but I didn't find him. I bolted up. I started to worry. I got out of bed, but was stopped when I saw a note with my name on it on my nightstand.


I just went to go talk to Jace. He's having a meltdown since he knows we've been mated. So don't freak out, which I know you have. Be back in ten.


I let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding. I fell back in the bed, remembering what happened last night. I feel all giggly, and I'm positive I'm glowing. I laughed. If this is the aftermath of having sex, I need to do it more often.

After five minutes of smiling to myself, I got up and headed to the shower. Once I was done I got ready in some regular skinny jeans and a tee. I was in front of the mirror trying to fix my hair when I felt two hands snake around my waist.

I turned around expecting to see my beautiful Christian, but came face to face with... James!

I backed up on to the mirror.

"Rose, I see your still beautiful as ever." He said reaching for my face.

"Get away from me! Why do you keep coming back, leave me ALONE!" I screamed. He had this possessive look in his eyes.

"I'll never leave you alone Rose. YOU. ARE. MINE. Now, I'll be coming for you in ten days. Be ready." He turned and headed to the window. "Oh and you won't mention this anyone, especially Christian. It's not a question it's an order." With that he disappeared.

What worried me was his look of possessiveness.

"Honey I'm home!" Christian burst through the door smiling. I gave him a nervous smile. I have to tell him.

"Christian I have something to tell you." I walked up to him.

"What is it babe?"

"Christian... Christian..." I grabbed my throat. I couldn't tell him. The words wouldn't come out. It was like I was under a spell. I couldn't utter James's name.

What did he do to me?

"Rose what is it?"

"Oh nothing, just that I had an amazing night yesterday." He walked over to me and hugged me.

"I did too." Once he couldn't see my face, I turned my smile upside down. There always has to be that one thing that ruins a good day. I sighed.

"So what do you want to do today? We don't have to leave until tomorrow." He asked me.

"Oh I don't know-"

"Good, cause I want you to meet some of my friends." I gave him a really? Look.

"Oh common! There not that bad. Let's go." He said grabbing hold of my hand and dragging me out of the inn.

"What about food?" I really didn't want to go. I wasn't in the mood.

"Don't worry; we're going to a barbeque."

"Vampire's barbeque?" I gave him a sidelong look.

"Of course we do." He said with a chuckle. "Rose, you know you're a character."

"Ha ha." I said with weariness.

After about ten minutes we arrived at his friends place. It was a mansion.

"I didn't know you had rich friends?"

"Of course I do. I know you might've forgotten but I am royalty." He said dragging me to the front door. He opened the door and we were instantly bombarded with noise. A whole bunch of people approached us; by us I mean Christian. They started having a full blown conversation, dismissing my presence. Really?

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