Never be Alone {Kai x reader}

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(Song: Never Be Alone by: Shawn Mendes)

Warning: This book may contain a lot of Shawn Mendes things because his songs really speak to me.

This takes place after the death of Kai's Dad....

Also the lyrics in here aren't sung just spoken ;)

3rd Person P.o.v:

It has been a day since the death of Kai's dad and he was a wreck. Nothing seemed right to him.

He has to take care and raise Nya by himself. Also, run the black smith shop to earn enough money and he had no one to comfort him.

Nya was out doing who knows what. She got over their dads death quite easy since, well she wasn't the closest with him, but as for Kai he was the person he would always go to well besides (y/n).

But at the moment she was out doing her ninja duties and who knows what. She had no time to visit ever.

He questions how he really became best friends with a girl who was so much more famous and brave then he was. Kai knew he was never going to be a ninja, or heck even half as great person as she was.

Kai was ready to give up.

He lost his dad and now he lost his way. [Referenced 😛]

He couldn't take it. The tears started to flow.

Kai fell to his knees covering his tear soaked face, sobbing quietly to himself. He couldn't help it. He was strong for too long.

He couldn't take the pain. His dad died. His best friend is fading away and too think he was falling for her. A girl that was never around.

Kai let memories of good times run through his mind like a cool summer breeze would blow in your face, but it only made matters worse.

His tears seemed to never stop, it was like a raging river pouring from his eyes, but when he thought all was lost he heard a soft yet loud knock at his door.

"Go away Nya. I need a moment...Alone." Kai yelled bitterly.

"It's not Nya, Kai." A sweet, smooth voice whispered, opening his creaky wood planked bedroom door.

Kai looked towards the door trying to wipe his wet face, and to compose himself.

"(Y/n)" Kai said trying to hold back the urge to hug her.

"Kai. I missed you." (y/n) said softly running toward him in a steady pace.

She wrapped her arms around him holding him tightly. She was never going to let him be alone again.

Kai gladly accepted the hug letting the salty water run down his face once again.

(Y/n) shakily pulled his face up to hers. Looking straight into his soft, green eyes. Taking her thumbs and wiping his warm tears from his face

"I am a mess (y/n). I am giving up." Kai sighed looking down trying to hide his tinted pink cheeks.

"Kai. I am so sorry I wasn't there for you. I-" she started, messing with her (h/l) hair.

"I know you were out saving the world, I get it." He spoke bitterly, glaring at a shocked (y/n).

"No you don't get it just listen to me okay." (y/n) pleaded, tearing up.

She felt bad for leaving him so soon. She was going to visit more often but things happened, and she couldn't but help it was her fault he was so depressed.

"Fine, but it better be a good reason." Kai frowned, trying to keep his temper under control.

" I was going to visit earlier, but things happened and I couldn't come back in time I was kept back against my will. I had every intention to come visit for this whole month." (Y/n) sighed, hoping that she wouldn't need to explain further.

"Uh huh. Right. What's the real reason!" Kai yelled.

"The real reason! Fine! I got hurt Kai! I freaking got stabbed! I tried calling you too tell you I couldn't come but I was too weak I was on my death bed. I lost so much blood that things got complicated!" (Y/n) yelled covering her face with her hand.

She started to sob. She really didn't want to tell him that. Heck she didn't even want to remember that moment.

Kai was left with a mouth hanging right open.

He couldn't believe he almost lost his love too.

"W-where did you get s-stabbed?" He asked.

(Y/n) slowly pulled up her shirt, trying to avoid contact with her Crush. Once it was to her ribs a giant scar was laid across her stomach.

She sobbed harder remembering the moments of near death.

Kai shakily took is cold hand running it across the scar. Sending shivers up both their spins.

"(Y/n) I am so sorry. I-I mess everything up. Just leave me to be alone. I don't deserve you as a friend." Kai said looking down in shame.

"Kai you had every right to be mad at me but,
One day I promise I will be around, I will keep you safe I will keep you sound. Right now It's pretty crazy, and I don't know how to stop it, but slow it down. Hey! I know there are some things we need to talk about, and I can't stay, just let me hold you for a little longer now. Take a piece of my heart and make it all your own so when we are apart you'll never be alone. When you miss me close your eyes and I may be far but never gone. When you fall asleep tonight just remember that we lay under the same stars. You'll never be alone Kai. I love you and I always will. Don't you quit. Don't you stop trying. Don't stop walking. Keep your head held high and things will work out in the end. I understand if you are mad at me but just know I care for you. Kai, I have fallen for you. Even if you may not feel the same things won't change the way I think of you. You'll never be alone. No not as long as I am here." (y/n) said sweetly.

She looked at Kai, but she couldn't read his expression.

She had the urge to kiss him.

So she did.

Her soft lips were pressed against his, and too her surprise he was kissing back, bringing his hand up to her neck pulling her closer.

"(Y/n) I love you with all my heart. I can never stay mad at you." Kai smiled blushing slightly.

They were never alone...


Hey guys how was it?

It was totally a wave of emotions.

I need requests and I always am taking them!

Be sure to

Love you ninja!


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