Chapter Six.

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Chapter Six.

I woke up feeling rejuvenated, and after a long hot shower – I felt refreshed as well. Now I’m sitting in a coffee shop, down the road from my apartment – waiting for Ross. After I had gotten ready this evening, I decided on sending Ross an email through his business account – thinking that it would be more discreet than calling him. I wrote the email as if I was interested in a position at the club. I figured that if he agreed to meet with ‘Joanne Temple’ for an interview – the name I set the email account with – then I would have the advantage in the long run. He won’t be able to upper hand me if he doesn’t even know that he’s meeting with me, right?

I order a caramel macchiato – a treat that I only indulge on, on special occasions. The waiter delivers it to my table after a few minutes, and I sip on it, warming my hands on the steaming mug. I chose to sit at a small, round table for two. It’s snuggled right in the corner of the shop, beside the large window. I straighten up as I see Ross crossing the busy intersection; he’s dressed formally – in a black suit and tie. His broad shoulders fit perfectly – not making him look extremely squared off, but proportional.

He looks sexy.

I shake my head; I need to get a grip if I’m going to pull this off. I need to seem intimidating – not flustered. I think leaving things off unfinished with Ethan has made me a little vulnerable.

I want Ethan, not Ross.

Ross walks into the café, and looks around for ‘Joanne’. I didn’t describe her, I only mentioned that I knew what he looked like, and would wave him over. I am doing no such thing.

He doesn’t notice me yet, tucked away in the corner sipping my hot beverage. He confidently walks up to the register and orders something from the young server on the other side of the counter. She’s just a young thing, and looks flushed and flustered by his presence. He’s all business though, straight faced and standing tall. He receives his order, and turns around – scanning the room once again.

He stops, mid-turn, and makes eye contact with me. I deviously smile in return. He walks towards me, pulls out the chair opposite to me, and sits.

Here we go.

“Ross, what a lovely surprise!” I enthusiastically exclaim. I smile ravishingly – and I know this because I practiced it a few times in the mirror this evening.

He does look surprised… but whether it is from my presence or from my overly enthusiastic welcoming – I’m not entirely sure.

“Lovely, indeed.” He replies, staring into my eyes. “You are a sight that could turn men to stone - your beauty is a force not to be reckoned with.”  

I wonder for a second if he feels the way I do when I’m this close to Ethan. Is his ‘feelings monster’ climbing up his ribs on an adventure towards his heart, so that it can bang away at it? The look in his eyes confirms my curiosity – yes.

“Why thank you, but you are far too kind.” I say sweetly, taking a sip from my beverage. “What brings you to this little café tonight?” I innocently ask.

“Well, I’m supposed to be meeting a female here – for an interview.” He says, turning in his chair, once again scanning the area. “But it seems as if she has skipped out on me.”

“How ignorant of her. Perhaps something else came up.” I say, feeling giddy inside. He fell for it.

“Perhaps.” He says. “At least you’re here though – seems as if fate has brought us together for some quality time.” His lips quirk up into a smile that shows me that he believes his statement to be true.

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