Chapter One.

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Tonight I'm going to get rid of him. 

I spent all morning and all of last night locked in my apartment trying to figure out a plan of action against him. 


Only a week ago I had been doing a quick grocery shop at the local produce store. It's a twenty-four-seven store, so I tend to go later in the evening to avoid large lines and unwanted bustling. So there I was, picking a loaf of bread from the shelf at eleven pm, when a deep manly voice interrupts my inner thoughts. 

"Whole wheat is much healthier for you, you know." 

I jerked my head over my shoulder to find out whose voice had interrupted me. He was tall, probably around six-four. He had broad shoulders and built muscular arms that I could define even through the dark navy blue sweater he wore. His eyes were hazel - little flecks of yellow randomly placed. His lips, plump and manly, were pulled into a delicious smirk. 

"What I eat is none of your business, you know." I had to throw something back at his cocky remark. 

He took a step back and looked at me directly in the eyes for a whole minute in silence. His eyes bulged out of their sockets. He gasped. I had started to retreat, remembering what everyone had warned me of. They had told me the tell-tale signs to recognize the moment it happened. They had told me to run if it were to happen to me. Run and never look back. 

So naturally, I dropped the bread, left my cart; and ran. 

Straight to my homey little apartment, locking all of the doors and windows. 

This is where I stayed until now. Tonight I will make my move. I have contemplated every different scenario that could happen. 

He's not the one for me. 

I mean, he's attractive. Anyone could see that, but there was no heart-stopping moment for me. As long as I have ever known, it's the female that's supposed to find her soulmate, and try to gain the affections of the male. That's the way it's always been. Men weren't built with the tools to acknowledge their soul mate. It's just not supposed to be in their build. Everyone who has ever told me about the 'hunt' has always made it clear that women are the hunters of love. Not men. 

It's even a topic in schools. I aced that class, no problem. We are warned starting when we're young that unless we want to become choice-less, weak in the knees - slaves to the men, then we have got to do our best to avoid men. Because it could happen any of us, at any time and point. 


Truthfully, we all know that it will without a doubt happen to all of us. That's just the way it works. But we all try our hardest to avoid the inevitable. So that's why I just don't understand what's wrong with me. I've never had that heart – stopping mate recognition happen to me, but I know for sure that Ross had it that night.

 The way he looked at me. The way his lips dropped into an 'Oh' and the audible gasp he let escape his mouth...  He had recognized me as his soul mate. It was backwards.

Never heard of before.

Everyone would think me crazy, and him dysfunctional.

 I know nothing about the man, only his name. Or at least it's the name he wore on his name tag that was attached to his navy blue sweater.


                Ross and Evaline.

            The thought instantly churns my stomach and has me racing for the bathroom toilet. Nothing actually comes up, thankfully, but I am still left feeling uneasy. I turn my train of thought back to my plan for tonight as I sit at my kitchen table, sipping tea from my favourite mug. I know that if I go out somewhere he will find me. As long as everything happens the same with men as it does with women, then he will find me.

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