Harry Potter and Merlin Collide

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Hi guys this is very short and i will only continue if i believe it is worth it but please let me know what you think

Its a Harry Potter and Merlin fan fiction

Just a one short wonder or less as i said i think its worth carrying it on


Harry Potter

The young boy found him self standing in the middle of a strange looking town.

He could not put his finger on it but he swore he had seen it before or maybe he had read about it.

The young boy was only around 13 years old with brown hair and green eyes. Many people knew his name and about his past.

Everyone knew the boy by the name of Harry James Potter.


A young man found himself walking the streets of Camelot.

He had not been living in it that long but long enough to have ended up the manservant of Prince Arthur.

He was on his way to start his duties when he spotted the young teenager clearly out of place.

For as long as he could remember he had felt like an outcast because he contained magic which was banned.

If anyone found out about his magic he would be killed.

He goes by the name of Merlin.

Merlin knew that something was wrong and he had to get the teenager out of sight before he drew to much attention.

Maybe Merlin's day was going to turn out better then he thought.

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