BONUS STORY TIME! Spin The Bottle With A Twist!

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It was the dead of night. Not a single voice echoed from the cells. Not a single sound except for the glass scraping against the polished floor of the empty hallway. Just Amber, Josh and I playing a harmless game of spin the bottle.

"Alright, ape. It's your turn. Give it a good spin."

Washington sighed. He didn't want to play, but Amber would have beat the crap out of him if he refused. Plus, as Amber had said: "It takes more than two to play a good game of STB."

The light above us lightly flickered on and off, casting shadows on the yellowed, old wallpaper. They seemed as though they were watching us. Amused at how many people were up this late at night. Round and round the bottle goes, where it stops, no one knows.

The glass slowly came to a halt, and I smiled at what happened next.

The neck had pointed to Amber herself, and she smiled deviously. Obviously she had another trick up her sleeve. As Wash flinched and crawled backward in fear, Amber leaned in closer, her fist up in the air. She planted a kiss on her knuckles and socked the foreigner smack in the face.

"Ow! Hey, what th'ell?!"

"It's the rules. It's still considered a kiss, even if indirect and highly amusing."

I laughed, and watched as it was Ambers turn to spin. I highly doubted she would kiss anyone. She was completely disgusted by men's behaviour. Well, she seemed alright with me around, so I guess that was alright, if not strange. Maybe I should ask her why sometime.

The bottle came to a dead stop, and pointed in between myself and Washington.

"That's a relief." She sighed and handed me the bottle. My hand was dead cold as I gripped the green tinted glass and spun it around.

The bottle seemed to spin forever. I chewed my bottom lip and closed my eyes tight. I was nervous, having never kissed anyone before. Just then, there was a noise. A chuckle of laughter. What? Don't tell me I had to kiss Washington...

The other two were as pale as marshmallows. They each had a shocked expression on their faces.

"Ohohooo...Shit...Think we should...? It's th' rules, after all..."

"Well now, this will be amusing."

I opened my eyes and raised an eyebrow. What was so amusing? That's when I realized we were sitting in front of the very same room. Slowly I turned my head towards the bottle, and followed the direction of it's neck before resting my eyes on the most terrifying numbers of my life.

Four Hundred and Three.

I gulped and stood. There was no way my friends would put me in danger. They were loyal.

"Well, it was nice seeing ya runt. Maybe you'll become a legend if ya survive this. Now scurry along."

I was pushed towards the door and I practically fell into a horrified daze as I faceplanted on the dark floor of the cell. So much for loyalty.

I crept inside, hoping to fool them and not wake the patient up. Slowly, I walked to the back of the room. A chilly breath blew past my ear, followed by a dull pain.

"Back so soon, my love...?" A voice whispered. I winced and kept walking towards the back wall, trying not to let my guard down. If I stood where the others couldn't see me, then I could probably stage it. A hand crept up to my cheek and remained there. I remained emotionless. No emotion. No sound. No encouragement. Pins and needles slowly drove themselves into my heart. Fear. It had to be. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"You're not going to explain the situation? Why you set foot in my pathetic excuse for a home...?" The patient seemed to materialize from the shadows in front of me, and I had to fight the urge to step backward. His face was inches from mine.

"I'm sure you already heard." I said sharply. He had a habit of doing that: Listening in on the conversations in the hallway.

"Ah yes. The redhead and the redneck brought you here..." A chuckle, and suddenly we switched places, with my back against the wall.

"I should thank them...I was in fact terribly lonely while you were gone..." His lips brushed mine. Warm against cold. Darkness against Light. I turned my head, only to notice I was now laying on the floor. When did I get there?

He pressed his tongue against my neck, rolling up to my jaw and finally pressing into a deep kiss. Why was he doing this? Was it to tease me? Or perhaps something more.

The fog of confusion and panic seeped into my mind until I was unaware of my surroundings or actions. Something caught my eye. A silver button laying on the floor. A button that used to be attached to my uniform. As my vision slowly faded to black, I realized I felt calmer than before.

Even if I was half naked and laying insomeone's lap, as he softly patted my head and whispered things I could barely hear over the own ringing of my ears.

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