New Atmosphere

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Hally's Point of View

I put my clothes on carefully as I felt the pain in my body. I got dressed for school. It was actually a risky decision of me going to school today. I'm still optimistic and if ever once again this day goes bad as yesterday, it would be my fault. Katy insisted for me not to go to school today because of what happened. She became even more overprotective of me. I opened my cabinet and got a clean, new sweater to cover up my wounds and horrible bruises. My broken right leg hurt terribly. I walked down the stairs carefully. I went inside the kitchen as I smelled the scent of bacon and pancakes.

"Good morning, Katy!" I said to Katy as I saw her putting the bacon and pancakes on their plates. "Hey, sweety! Are you alright? Are you sure you want to go to school today?" I saw the worried look in her eyes. "It's a new day. I'm hoping for the best." I said to her simply. She didn't reply back to me. I just watched Katy as she placed the food in the table. "Just...just call me when something is wrong. Okay?" She said worriedly to me. I knew that she didn't quite agree with my decision. She was worried and scared about what might happen.

"I will, mom. If something bad happens, it will be my fault. But I won't let anything as such happen again. I don't want you to get bothered and worried with any problem that involves me." I said to her. "Sweety, I would always be here for you, to help you handle whatever you go through. I do understand that some things aren't part of my business which are personal but I just want you to know that I can help you." She said to me whilst stroking my cheeks with her smooth hand. The look in her eyes were both worried and sympathetic.

I didn't want Katy to be worried about me. I want to see her happy. I wanted to start a new beginning and just forgive and forget. "I understand you, mom. I just hope this day would somehow be great. I'm still hoping something would change." I smirked at her. I tried to make my voice lively so that I could make our conversation a bit happy. Katy smiled back at me as we sat across each other in the table and began to eat breakfast. I finally finished afterwards and helped Katy with the dishes as I always do.

"Bye, mom. I'm going to miss you! Have fun at work and take care. I love you." I said to Katy whilst hugging her so tight. We hugged each other tightly. I was quite scared going to school because of what might happen but there's nothing wrong with trying once again right? "Bye, I love you too, babes! Take care. Call me when something's happened alright?" She said to me whilst waving as I walked out of the gate of our house. "I sure will." I said to her as I waved.

I started walking down the street after closing the gate. Today was a new day, I was hoping for the best. I heard my phone ring as my pace slowed down as I got my phone out of my pocket.

"H-hello?" I said.

"Hey, Hally! What's up? How are ya?" I heard a masculine voice reply in the call. "Hey, Max! I'm great. Long time no speak." I said back to him cheerfully.

"Yep, what's up? Well btw I'm back to school." He said.

"Oh, that's great. Well, I'm walking to school right now..." I said.

"Really? Since when did you start?" He asked. "Uh...yesterday." I said whilst walking down the street slowly as the sunlight hit my eye.

"How are you and Katy?" He asked.

"We're great. How about you and your family?"

"We're fine... Things are back to normal once again. Hey, listen I'll call you back soon. Bye!" He said. "Um, okay, bye! Take care." I said. "You too, sister bear!" He said.

I hung up the call as I smiled on what Max called me. He's one of the people who actually give me a lot of nicknames. It's pretty funny and silly at the same time. I continued to walk down the street. My pace became fast as I was afraid to be late for school. I finally saw the school from a far. I felt relieved that I was in time. I ran as fast as I can and entered the school. It was pretty much like yesterday, a lot of students walking. I walked down the corridors as I felt a little bit claustrophobic. There were a lot of people around me. Most of them were pushing each other which made me move forward and bump other people. I finally arrived in my locker after a couple of minutes and got my books for my first class. Math was first.

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