Yandere!Nyo!Taiwan X Reader-Red, the color of darkness

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A/n: It's been millions of years since I last updated. sorry for updating verrry late. This was requested by VividKiss . Thank you for waiting patiently for ze update. I was confused because I absolutely have no idea what to write. Sorry if Nyo Taiwan is too OOC... I was planning to use Xiao Liu for his name but there are other nyo characters whose name I didn't know in this oneshot. So I'll just call him
No ofc I'll use Taiwan please don't take me seriously lol
You were currently on a picnic with the (nyo) Asian countries. You don't know why but suddenly you were there. You were just there.

"Aneki*~~~!!! Where will we hold our annual family picnic???" Korea waved at China excitedly.

*Big sister. Normally he-- umm she will say Aniki but this is nyo!AU soo....

"Hmm...." China puts a finger in her cheek. "I dunno aru." She replied flatly.
"Last month is my place... The month before last month is Viet-kun's place... Then the month before that is Korea-san's..." Hong Kong said as she reminisced the former picnics.
"Wait, you should have it in Taiwan-kun's place!!!" You shouted loudly, making the others look at you.
You were there at the time, accompanying Taima--- Taiwan. The thing is you were incredibly close to him and you would attend to his family meetings and so would him.

"(Y-Y/n)!!!!" Taiwan shouted, surprised by your sudden statement.
"Oooh, you're right, (y/n)!!!! Aneki!!!! We should have it on Taiwan-kun's house!" Korea clapped and jumped frantically at your suggestion.
"Oh, (y/n). Why did you suggest that?" Taima--//Slapped// Taiwan grunted lazily.
"I-I wouldn't mind, if (y/n)-chan's the one suggesting it... Vietnam said as he averted his blushing face.

Everyone knows that Viet-kun has a crush on you.

And everyone knows that makes Taiwan-kun very jelly.

So they tried to avoid (y/n) at all costs.
However, Viet-kun had not realized Taiwan's yandere side and kept trying to make a move on (y/n).


China was setting up the carpet, S.Korea and the others were preparing for the food, and you were playing in the harbor nearby with Taiwan-kun.

"Whoa, Taiwan-kun! The sky's so nice in here! Thanks for inviting me again!" You smiled at the so-called Taiman in front of you.
"You were the one who suggested it, right! And don't worry, they all have no problem having you here. Especially....me." He said the last bit in a barely audible voice.
"Huh? Come again?"
"Nothing. Oh, I'll show you something."
"What is it?"
"It's something me, Hungary and Japan made."
((You all have been waiting for this.))
"W-WHat's this?!?!?!?"
"Tee-hee. It's our hentai doujinshi. The pairing this time is GerIta yuri." He proudly showed off his h doujin and made a peace sign.
"Yep~ wanna read~~~???" He said, teasing you."
"N-No, thanks!" You shake your head frantically. Damn that hentai freak.
"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Suddenly Vietnam pops out from behind.
"Tch." Taiwan scoffed, but none of you heard it.
"We were just talking about Taiwan-kun's weird doujins."
"Hey, Taiwan. You wouldn't want to corrupt (y/n)'s pure and innocent mind." Vietnam scolded Taiwan, clueless about Taiwan's feelings for (y/n).
"Ha, ha. I know, bro." Taiwan fake laughed.

No one gets in the way of my and (y/n)'s love.


"*burp* Fuwaaaah~~~!!! The food tastes greaaaat!!!!!!" S.Korea said, patting her stomach.
"Korea. Who taught you to be so disgusting? Mind your manners." China squinted her nose.
"Heheh, sorry about that, Ane."
"Hey, isn't it getting late?" Hong Kong said as she gazed to the night sky.
"Whaat, really? I'm too lazy to go home~" Korea groaned lazily.
"Korea. Don't be such a lazy ass." (Y/n) scolded Korea.
"Buuuttt (y/n)!!!!! Oh, Taiwan! Can we bunk at your place?" Korea asked Taiwan.
"Umm... Sure."
"About that... Taiwan-kun... Can I stay too? It's about __ hours from here to <home country>, so..."
"Sure, (y/n)!" Taiwan replied cheerfully.
"...I'll... Go..with you..." Vietnam said bashfully, glancing at (y/n) as he speak.
"....okay." Taiwan said, half glaring at his brother.

Nobody can have (y/n). Only me. Because (y/n) is mine.


You were sleeping at your bed. Until you heard S.Korea screaming.

"(Y/N)!!!! (Y/N)!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!! PLEASE WAKE UP!!!! I BEG OF YOU!!!!"

She was shaking you, fear filled in her expression.

"Oh. Wassup? Why are you shaking me this early in the morning?" You said as soon as you open your eyes, confused by her actions.
"Wait what? What's going on? Who's killing who? I can't understand if you don't explain it to me!" You replied, really confused.
"Korea, calm down, dude! What's going on? Who's getting near?"

Before she could reply, a knife flew out of nowhere and stabbed Korea from the back.
She immediately lost her balanced and fell to the floor and soon died because of blood loss.

"Hey, Korea... Stop this joke..." You shaked her, thinking that this is just a dream.
"Korea, this is seriously not funny, so stop...." You tried shaking her cold body more, unable to understand what's happening.
"Unfortunately, she's dead, (y/n)."
You heard a voice you knew oh-so-well and turned back to face the person.

Your beloved bae,


"Y-You...killed her?"

"I have to. The situation tells me so." He smirked, playing with the knife that was in his other hand.
"Hey, (y/n). Why don't you just surrender to me already? Stop trying to escape." He said, walking closer to you.
"N-No!!!!! Get away from me!!!!" You shouted, scared of the monster in front of you.
Desperate to escape, you pulled the knife stabbing Korea's back.
"I'm sorry, Korea. May your soul rest in peace." You said as you threw the knife to the window, breaking its glass.
Then you dashed outside, the sharp glass piercing on your body.

Then you found a familiar sight. It was the harbor from yesterday.
Something was wrong about it.
The water was painted red.

Then you rushed down to the sea and found a familiar figure floating in the water.

Your eyes was filled with horror.


You covered your mouth, as tears rolled down your cheek.

"It's a pretty sight, isn't it?" You heard a voice from behind. But you refused to turn back because you knew the owner of the voice too well.
"Red.... I've always dreamt about coloring the sea red. And it came true~!"
"Red is a beautiful color, yes? It's the color of beauty, and also....... Darkness."

Okay. That was 1187 words.

YANDERE!Hetalia X ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt