Yandere!Kugelmugel X Reader-Art

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This was requested by  nerdy-girl_fan-girl , I'm sorry it took me sooooo long to finish this!!! I only knew Kugel from my manga, that's when he made his first appearance when he said that declaring his independence is art. And Wy seems to be pissed off by him because they both is good at art. So sorry if he's OOC!!
"My art is better than yours!!!" Kugel shouted to the brunette in front of him.
"No, your art is trash!!! Mine is the real art!!!!" Wy shouted back, not intending to lose on this quarrel.
As usual, Wy and Kugelmugel is fighting about whose art is better.
"G-Guys... Calm down..." You tried to calm your two friends down.
"Who do you think is better?!?!?" They shouted at the same time,
"Uhhhh....." You panicked because they asked you at the same time.
"Well, (y/n)? You liked me better, right? We're friends!" Wy approached you and grasped your hand.
"No. (Y/n) likes me more. Don't you dare touch her." Kugel shoved Wy away and embraced you.
"W-What are you doing, Kugel?!?!?" You said, flustered.
"Wha-- you're the one who needs to stay away from (y/n)!!!" Wy said, also flustered with Kugel's actions and shoved him away.
"Wy!!! Come here for a sec, would ya?" Wy's brother, Australia called her.
"Grrrhh!!!! Why now?!?!?" Wy grunted angrily.
"You!!! We'll continue this later!!! Don't you dare touch (y/n) anymore!!!" She pointed to Kugel and ran away.
Wy has always been an overprotective friend towards you. Especially around Kugelmugel, her worst enemy. Since Wy met him, she already hates his guts.
Now it's just you and Kugel.
"S-Sorry for shocking you, (y/n). I didn't mean to hug you, I just got caught on the situation..." Kugel broke the silence between you and him.
You got disappointed with his answer.
"O-Oh... That's okay..." You answered back.
He was a shy and timid boy, so you were shocked when he suddenly hugged you.
"Hey (y/n)...." He suddenly called your name.
"Would you like to eat some Baum Kuchen at my house?"
"I-Is that fine with you? If that is, I'd love to!" You replied excitedly.
"Well then, let's go!" He went ahead of you, hiding the devilish smile on his face.

"Waa, Kugel, you renovated your house?" You exclaimed after stepping in of his house.
"D-Do you like it?" He asked.
"I love it!!! It became more... More like you!!! Umm, how to say it... It's more... Artistic!!!!!"
"Really?!?!? I'm really glad you liked it!!" He smiled warmly at you. Well, it's more like a smirk.
"Here. The baum kuchen is ready."
"Mmm, It's yummy!!! You really know how to bake, Kugel!"
"(Y-Y/n), you praise me too much..." He said, scratching the back of his head.
Timeskip because I can

"Thanks for today, Kugel! Well, see you tomorrow! Oh, and please try to get along with Wy-chan!!!" You waved at him as you left his house.
Before he could say anything, you disappeared from his sight.

"I'm afraid I cannot, (y/n). But I can make your friend more artistic." He said, cackling evilly as he closed his door.

"Wy-chan!!! Where are you?!???" You are currently searching for your best friend, that has gone missing.
You have searched everywhere, but no one seems to know where she's going.
'Where on earth did she go....' You thought.
"Oh, that's right! Maybe Kugel knew where she went!!" You said to yourself, running to Kugel's house.
"Kugel!! Open the door!!!" You knocked frantically at the door in front of you.
Suddenly the door bursted open.
Kugel was there, he was wearing an apron and he was covered in red paint (or so you thought.)
"Wy--- Wy has gone missing!!!" You said, panicking.
"Ssssh. (Y/n), I knew where she is. She's with me."
"Really?!?!? Phew, she got me worried!!! Eh? Why is she with you? Aren't you in bad terms? And why are you covered in red paint? Are you working on something?"
"Yes. It's a very big project. I've done this several times before, but I wanted to show you this one."
"Huh? A-Alright."
You were getting a bad feeling as he led you to a secret chamber in his studio.
"You were the first person I've let inside here." He explained as he led you further into the long chamber.
"Umm... What's inside here?"
As he opened the door you saw your best friend
's corpse.
You immediately ran to her.
She was sitting on a chair, dressed in a gothic attire, roses were all over her body, her face pale as snow and her skin cold as ice.
"W-What d-did you d-d-do to h-her?!?!?!?" You shouted, tears flowing to your cheeks. Your stammering voice made it clear that you are afraid.
"My my, don't be afraid, (y/n). Isn't your friend more artistic this way? And this way she couldn't pester me about her art--- no, trash."
"Y-Y-You're so c-c-cruel!!!" You said, throwing the roses in Wy's hair at him.
"Hm~~ are you probably, jealous, (y/n)~? Don't worry, you are the one I love. And now I'll make you the most beautiful and stunning art there is." He said and crept over to you.
"N-No!!!!S-S-Stop!!! D-Don't come near me!!!!"
"Don't worry, you'll be the definition of art itself." He said, his eyes glimmered with bloodlust.

Years has past after that incident. No one has remembered Wy, and all of Kugel's victims, and you.

But you became art itself.
A/N: I would like to apologize to Wy because I already killed her two times.
The next one will be Nyo!Taiwan X Reader.

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