Yandere!America X Reader-Hamburgers

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A/N: I suggest not to eat while reading this chapter. Especially when you're eating hamburgers. Some scenes will make you puke or worse. Sorry, imagination gone wild lol
"YOOO (F/N)!!!!! WASSUP??????" The American greeted you with a bright smile.
"Ah! Alfred!" You waved at the boy.
"Say, what about going with me on a date?" He asked casually.
"A- A D-DATE?!?!?!?" You flushed red.
"At the hamburger store near here," he pointed at the store nearby.
"O-Okay, if you said so...."
You secretly had feelings about the American. You fell for his energetic and heroic self. But you didn't discover his yandere side..... Yet.
~~At the store~~
He gestured you to a seat that was near the window so you could see the view outside.
"Hey (F/N).. What are you going to order?" Alfred asked.
"Whatever you're having," you replied.
"Well well. Okay then!" He replied cheerfully.
Suddenly, a drunk thug walked up to you.
"My my, what a beautiful lady!!!" The drunk guy said as he caressed your hand.
"WHO- WHO ARE YOU?!?" You exclaimed.
"Nice mister, you do notice that I am here.... Do you?" Alfred asked, a dark aura surrounding him.
"Come here for a minute. I want to talk to you."
With that Alfred dragged the drunk thug to the store kitchen.
'He wouldn't do anything to him, right? .....right??? ' you thought in your mind. Well, he IS a cheerful person, there's no way he could--
"Sorry, (F/N)!!!! Just talking to the guy about business stuff. Oh! Our orders are ready. Let's eaaaat!!!!" He said and munched the whole hamburger.
"Hey, (F/N)!!! Try eating it!!"
"A-Alright...." And you took a bite of the hamburger.
"Is it good???"
"yeah, it's pretty good!!!" You said as you finished the hamburger.
"Now, can you believe.....
....that the meat is used from the man before?"

(A/N): Does any of you puke? Nah I guess not.

YANDERE!Hetalia X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now