Yandere! S.Korea X Reader: Terrible Deed

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Requested by @VividKiss
Sorry if S.Korea's OOC and the story suck lol.

"Hey (y/n), do you want to join the pervert club??" Your Korean best friend, Im Yong Soo said excitedly.
"Join what?!?! No!! Absolutely no!!! I'm not a pervert, dummy!!!" You replied, flustered by your best friend's actions.
"D'awww~~~ alrighty then, but don't forget, I'll keep bothering you until you say yes!!" He said and joined his friends.
"Heyy, (y/n)!!!" A voice shouted from behind.
It was your crush, Gilbert.
"G-Gilbert!" You stuttered.
"Yo!! Are you joining ze pervert club?" He asked.
He- He heard that?!? You cussed your Korean friend in your mind.
"You should totally join it!! It's like, as awesome as zhe awesome me!!!" He said.
"W-Well then, if you're in, I guess I could join..." You mumbled unconsciously.
"What was zhat?"
Thank goodness he didn't hear what I said... You thought.
"N-Nothing, haha. I guess I could think about it." You said nervously.
"Take your time!!" He said and left you.
But what you didn't notice is..
A pair of hazel eyes are staring at you and Gilbert.

"(Y/n)." A familiar voice echoed in your mind.
"Gilbert?" You noticed the albino haired boy's presence.
"You have to run away. Or not he will get you!!" He said panickly.
"What? 'He'? Who?" You asked, not understanding what he meant.
"There's no time to explain, (y/n), just go!!!" He said more.
"Go where?"
"Anywhere, my time is almost over, you'll find out the truth eventually. But you have to get away from I------RRINGGGGGG
Your dream was interrupted by the sound of the annoying alarm clock. You looked out on the window. It was a nice day. The weather is sunny. But you don't know why, you get an uneasy feeling from your dream.
'Strange,' you thought.
Get away from who?
You decided to ignore it and go to school. But when you arrived, very bad news are awaiting for you.

"(Y/n)!!!! (Y/n)!!!!" Your friend, Elizabeta ran to you with a terrified face.
"Huh? What's wrong? Why are you running like that?" You asked not knowing what happened to your friend.
"C-C-Come with me!!!!" She said and pulled your hand to the classroom. Lots of people were gathered there.
You managed to get past the people and saw...
Gilbert's corpse lying on the ground, full of blood and lifeless.
You shrieked, full of terror.
In an instant your face became pale and tears filled your eyes.
Then you felt someone embrace you from the back.
"It's alright. I'm still here for you." A familiar voice said.
"Im.. Yong.. Soo..." You said and cried louder.


Your eyes are still swollen of crying too much. You were now walking home with Im Yong Soo.
"I don't get it... Why did he get killed? H-He didn't do anything, why?" You said, more tears rolled from your eyes.
Suddenly, Im Yong Soo lifted up your chin. His face became serious.
"He may not done anything to you, but he's done a terrible thing to me."
"Eh?" You asked as you gazed into his eyes.
"He's done something terrible, so I killed him." He said.
"Y-You killed him?!??!?!?" You said, your eyes full of shock and terror.
"Yes I did. You know why?" He asked in reply.
"Because he stole my precious (y/n)."
That's the last word you heard until your world turned black.
A/N: you didn't die. The rest is up to your imagination.

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