【CRACK CHAPTER】Yandere!Iceland X Reader - Jelly Bean Challenge

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Author's note: This is a present for all of you because I have not updated for a long time. Be warned. This chapter is filled with derpiness. And don't take me seriously. This is a crack chapter. Seriously, don't say I didn't warn you.

Because I have warned youuuuuuuu~~~~~

derpy derpity derp.


First Person POV!!! XD

Remember, I warned you.

"Heeeeyyyy Iceyyyyyy!!!!!!!" I said, glomping the Icelandic.

"Wut." He said, clearly annoyed.

"Play dis with me!!!!" I said, shoving a box at his face.

"Wut's dis?" He asked as he grabbed the box.

"Jelli bean challenge!!!! So deres two beans, one is de good one and one is de bad one!!! If yu win, I'll give yu mai licorice!!!!!!" I said.

"Noh. I dun wan to." He replied.

"Okei, I'll gif yu a lifetime supplai of licorice!!!!!"

"Deal." He said and shook my hand.

"Okei, first of all is dis yello bean. If yu win yu get de popcorn flavor an if yu lose......"

"Ye. I know. I can read."

"Okei. We'll eat dis in de count of tree. Wone. Two. Tree!"

Den I and Icey ate the bean at the same time.

"Mm! Dis ish gud!!!" I said as I ate the bean.

"ASDFGHJL!!!!!!!!!!(Y/N)!!!!!!!! WHY YU DO DIS TO ME?!?!?!?!?"


Den yu keep playing until yu guys got the black bean.

Yu were waiting for dis very moment.

"Here, icey!!!!!!!!! De black bean is here!!!! If you win you got de licorice flavor, but if yu lose the other one will
taste really badd!!!!!"


Then I ate the bean together with him.


"MUAHAHHAHAHHAHA!!!! Yu got de bad one!! And yu lose!!!!!! Bai!!!!" I said as I ran to my room.

And that night, I was killed by Icey.

Is what I heard before I blacked out.


See. I've warned you. Oh iggy what in the world I just write. Oh well. I promise I will make a serious chapter about you and Icey... Soon.
Anyway what's coming next are:

-romano (kitsune_gina) and (acacia_KP)
-nyo russia (aquariumstuck_gamzee)
-romania (aruhane)
-germany (acacia_KP)

Bai gais.

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