Yandere!Russia X Reader-Sorry|| WARNING: ANGST

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A/N: I suck at angst... But I'll try.
"(F/N). What were you doing with (Random boy's name earlier?)" Ivan glared at you with his piercing violet glare.
"I was discussing about the project that was due next week. Is something wrong?" You replied calmly.
"No... Yes. I don't like how he smiled at you like that. Stay away from him."
"What are you saying, Ivan?!? I'm just talking and stuff, and you get overprotective like that... I.. I HATE YOU!!!!" You shouted then stormed off.
Ivan had a problem with his heart. As you know, he can drop it anywhere he want, and as a result, one day, he lost his heart. So because your family was in good terms with his, you donated your heart to him. But, as a condition, you have to accept Ivan as your fiancé. Even Natalia, Ivan's sister, strangely agrees. But you were having a hard time with him around. He was over overprotective (screw grammar) whenever you talked to a boy, and else. And this happens again today. But deep in your heart, you began to acknowledge him and little by little love him. But...!!! That guy doesn't have a mirror. He was overprotective to you but he himself was hanging around with Yao Wang, the Chinese guy whose gender is unknown. (Lol) That, of course, made you jealous.
After you stormed off, Ivan sighed, then turned to Yao.
"So she ran again huh... Aru?" Yao asked.
"Yeah... I wonder what did I do to her, I was just protecting her from (Random boy's name)!!!"
Unknown to you, (Random boy's name) is a rapist in disguise. (Yea lol) he blended in the society so anyone wouldn't know that he's a rapist. Lately, he was interested in YOU. Ivan knew and he wanted to protect you from the rapist.
"I think it's about time you kill him, right aru?" Yao asked him.
You were walking trough the school hall, searching for (Random Boy's Name.) When you reached his class, a surprise was waiting for you.
There Ivan stood, his pipe full of blood, and in the floor, lied a corpse...
That was (Random boy's name)'s.
You shrieked in horror.
"Ivan--- what... What have you done..?!?!?!?!"
"(F/N).... Hear my explanation."
"What... What can you explain, Ivan??!? You've killed (Random boy's name)!!!!!! I... I've never thought you would do such a thing!!! After all this time... I began to love you, but you were always overprotective!!!! You always hanged out with Yao, that Chinese girl, too!!It's like I was in the way of your relationship!!! I know your plan. You planned to kill every one of my friends then me, right?!? To be together with Yao!!! I regretted donating my heart to you!!!" You shouted.
"(F/N).... You've got it all wrong. It was me who donated my heart to you, not you. Our parents decided to keep that a secret, because I know that will trouble you. And, Yao is a boy. I didn't kill to make you feel like that, but that guy is a rapist. He was (Terrorist's name). And besides that... I was being overprotective because I love you.... (F/N)." He said as he hugged you in a tight embrace.
"Ivan... I'm sorry!!! I'm so pathetic!!!!"
"Apology accepted,"
He said as he dropped to the ground.
Ivan was dead. ( i know he's immortal, but yea.) because he's missing his heart, he can't continue living.

"Ivan... You will be always be in here." As you caressed your heart.

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