Yandere!Italy X Reader: Fake Smiles

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A/N: when Italy's mouth is sewed just imagine it like its the guy who was forced to smile by Coraline's mother at Coraline •-•
Yandere! Italy X Reader-Fake Smiles

You were staying at Feli's mansion. Lately you were interested in his culture and you decided to ask him to give you a tour to his country, which he gladly accepted. Now you were at his house, resting after you took a tour to Milan.
"Ve~ Isn't Italy beautiful, (y/n)-chan? But of course it's as beautiful as you!" Feli said and flirted with you.
"Nah, Feli, thanks for the tour today. I hope we can enjoy ourselves tomorrow!!" You said totally ignoring him.
"Waaaaah, you ignored me, (y/n)-chaaaaaan!!!!!" He bawled. While you went to the guest room upstairs.
You were sleeping peacefully, until suddenly you needed to go to the toilet.
You were walking in the halls, lost until you heard somebody talking.
"Is that Feli?" You asked to yourself and walked to the source of the sound.
You've stopped at a giant door with a paper that reads 'Feli's Room'.
'This must be Feliciano's room... I should ask where the toilet is..' That's what you thought until you heard sounds coming from inside the door.
"Grandpa Rome, do I really have to do that?" Feli said from inside the door.
"?!" You gasped. Isn't Rome Feli's grandfather who was supposed to be long dead?!?! Why is he here?! That's when you found a small hole on the door. When you peeked in, it's true. The Rome who was supposed to be dead was there. He looked scary. He was covered in blood and white bandages, and he had a black aura surrounding him. It was truly a horrifying sight.
"Do I really have to kill (y/n), Grandpa?" Feli continued.
You gasped. He--- he was going to kill me?!?!?
"That's right." Rome replied with a stern demanding voice that sent chills in your spines.
"She's just a normal prey to you, why are you hesitating to kill her?" Rome continued. Before you could think, Feli answered him.
"Yes... Grandpa." His voice isn't like usual. It was gloomy and it doesn't have spirit on it. ((Imagine it like a broken recorder))
"Oh, did it broke?" Rome said.
"Come on, Feli. I told you to smile always. That's your best disguise." Rome said as he pulled a needle out of nowhere and grabbed a thread out of Feli's face---- wait, what the hll is a thread doing on Feli's face?!?!
And so he began to sew.. He began to sew something on Feli's face. When you look closely, it was his mouth.
"Grandpa, it hurts..."
"Shut up or your eyeball's next."
You couldn't bear to watch. He... He was wearing a fake smile all this time? Screw the toilet, I'll go to bed and think it's all a dream,' you thought.

"Ve~~ (y/n)-chan, good morning!!!!" Feli said cheerfully, waking you out of your sleep.
So it was a dream.
"Feli! G'morning!!!!" You replied, trying to not act suspicious.
'Last night is only a dream...' You convinced yourself.
'But how about the thread...' You thought while looking at Feli's face but before you could look better you were interrupted by him.
"(Y/n), chan, let's get going!" He grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the guest room excitedly.
All day you were trying hard to get a glimpse of his face but you was always interrupted. Until at last you gave up and decided to take a rest on a bench in some unknown place in an unknown part of Italy.
"Hey, (y/n)." Feli said.
"Did you give up already?" He continued. Wait, did he know---
"Surprised why I know? Here, i'll show it to you then. The real me."
He pulled a thread off his face and his smile loosed up into a frown.
"Ouch, that was tiring. That old rotten pig hafta pay for this." He groaned. Then his mouth suddenly curled up into a big devilish smile.
"Are you scared, (y/n)? Your nosey self wants to know the story how Feli talked to his long dead grandfather?"
"Well, I made a contract with that rotten old pig. In order for my country to keep on being joyous, I have to kill every person I love. Including you. You're more than the others, though. You're special, (y/n)." He said, all of a sudden his sadistic smile turned into a sad frown.
"But sadly I'll have to end you, (y/n) I just want you to know... Ti amo, (y/n)."
As he said that he slashed a giant scythe to you.
A/N: now that I think of it this story's kinda like this: Italy's a human and he made a contract with a devil. But the devil isn't like Sebastian, the devil was his own Grandpa Rome. And Rome will protect him and make his country big until Italy dies but in exchange he has to sacrifice the people he love and he must always smile. And he kills people with a reaper's scythe he stole from a reaper. But it's not true tho. Rome was supposed to be a ghost lol

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