(AU) Yandere!Denmark X Reader-Dominator

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Psycho Pass AU
You are an Enforcer, while Matthias is an inspector. The dog- master relationship. You always have been his dog, and whatever the case, he would always go with you.
You were close to (Random enforcer's name.) Matthias, has always watched you and were REALLY REALLY jealous when you were around (Random enforcer's name).
One day, he took you out on a case.
Well, you and (Random enforcer's name.)
You were ordered to split up with Matthias and (Random enforcer's name.) but you've got no Inspector to watch over you, so you and Matthias talked by the watch provided by the Sibyl System.
"(Y/n). You can come to our spot now. There's something waiting for you there..." Matthias talked over the watch.
"Alright. I'll be right there." You said, and the call disconnected. What happened over there? Did Matthias succeed in capturing the target? You thought as you ran to the location he was mentioning earlier. There in the ground... Lay (Random enforcer's name), all bloody and lifeless, his organs and flesh gouged out and cut into pieces.
"Looks like you've made it here, (y/n)..."
"(R-Random enforcer's name)!!!!!!! M-Matthias!!! What happened to him?!?!?"
"Oh, the target got him and ran."
'T-That simple??? Why... Is Matthias saying that with such a relaxed tone, like it was an ant who died???' You thought. You were feeling more and more suspicious.
"Yes, (y/n)~~~?" He purred.
"Did-- did you kill him?"
"Oh, he was in the way of our relationship. And I was the criminal. I also killed all the other guys that tried to get close to you." He replied.
"Y-You... F-FREEZE!!!!" You said while pointing your gun to him.
But his crime coefficient is 0%. And the target was locked, because he is indeed your inspector.
"You can't kill me, (y/n). If I can't have you, nobody can. Now bye-bye, (y/n)-chan."
Yep. This sucks. Denmark is too OOC. *sigh*

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