Chapter 12.

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This is dedicated to Yoko_Star for making me this awesome cover!!

let me know what you think!! and should it be the new cover?



Darkness. That's all I could see around me, that's all I could feel. Then all of a sudden images flask before me, like pictures being posted on a bulletin.

Fire, explosion, remains and ruins. Then the next images are what haunt me the most. People lying around, blood running from their heads and noses. Broken arms, snapped necks, missing limbs. But the scariest and worst picture, was that of my parents lying side by side. All of these images kept flashing in front of me, even if I tried to turn around- they were still right in front of me.

I finally gave up and tried to run right through the, using my arms to block my face, but then I went right through them without them touching me.

I uncover my face and look around where I was. It's a small room, it's bare and grey. I feel so small, and when I look down I realize that I'm six again. Then out of nowhere a light flickers on and I'm forced into a sitting position, my hands are bound am I'm struggling to move, but I'm not making a noise, because Im to scared to what's to come.

All of a sudden a door appears and a man walks in, I lean back in my chair, hoping to get away from him. He comes closer to me and says something, but I don't hear a word. Then the guy gets up and leaves when someone opens the door, there's loud noises outside the door, bangs and shots. Then the door opens and two people run in, I can't see their faces, but when they see me the hug me and pull my bindings off.

The room is moving around me like a swirl and I see someone come up to me and the two people, they talk and argue before finally the person who just came up picks me up and starts running.

I start crying and thrashing around, reaching for the people who the man just took me away from.

We get to the outside, but just as the door shuts- a fiery explosion happens and-



I get woken up in the middle of the dream, I stop moving and inhale sharply. A reflex. I sit up in bed really fast and tears come to my eyes but they don't fall- thats the first time I woken up and remember the first part of my dream.

"Kat, are you okay?" I hear a concerned voice, but all I can think about is what I just saw. I never have remembered that part before, I just remember Greg's office. "Kat?"the voice calls again. "hey Kat, you're okay" It says to me and I feel arms go around me. I'm stiff still from thinking about the dream not breathing or anything. But when I feel arms go around me I finally relax.

"What happened?" the voice asks, but this time I recognize it as Jace's.

"I was there.... I was there" I mumbled, barely a whisper with my hands  on my head, trying to shake away the dream. 

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