Chapter 26

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Tyler>Me: I hope you feel better!!

Me>Tyler: I am! Thanks for helping me this weekend. I hope to see you soon. :)

"Charlotte, ready for react?" Dan asked, walking into the bathroom. I fixed my hair and nodded. "How do you feel?" He asked, holding a hand at the small of my back.

"Better than yesterday or Saturday." I said, brushing some blush onto my cheek. "Do I look alright? And give me an honest answer. Not some cheesy boyfriend answer. I was sick the last few days." I asked, smoothing out my skirt.

"You look beautiful." He smiled and pecked my cheek. "Phil has a cab waiting for us outside." He added. I nodded. I pulled out my phone and took a quick picture.

"Where are you going to post that?" Dan asked.

"Who says I'm going to post it? I wanted a new picture of us." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Come on. Let's go." He smiled and reached for my hand. I nodded and shut the light out. Dan pulled me out towards the exit. He pulled the taxi door open and I slid in.

"How are you feeling, Dino?" Phil asked from the front seat.

"Better than yesterday. And you?" I asked.

"Good!" He smiled and nodded. Dan slid in and shut the door. Phil gave the driver the address and we were off.

"Oh." I said, holding my stomach.

"You alright, Bear?" Dan asked, looking down at me. I held up a finger and closed my eyes.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I nodded and sat back.

We soon made it to the Fine Brothers studio.

"Am I going to film with you two or alone?"

"That's a question for Ben and Rafi." Phil said, pulling the door open and letting me walk in.

"Really? Awesome." I nodded. They led me to a small waiting room  that held some couches. We waited about 20 minutes before all three of us went to a room.

"Hello, this is Charlotte. Charlotte, this is Ben and Rafi. The Fine Brothers." Dan said, motioning towards two men.

"Hi." I waved at the two men. One was wearing a beanie and had some scruff and the other one wore glasses.

"It's nice to meet you, Dino." The one with glasses said and stuck out his hand. (A/N: I don't know which fine brother is the eldest. So, if you know. Please message me.) "I'm Rafi and this is Ben." He said, nodding to the man in the beanie. I nodded.

"Hello." Ben nodded. We went over to the desk and they sat behind a camera.

"What do you have today?" Dan asked, sitting next to me. I was sitting between both of them.

"A good one." Rafi said, moving a laptop in front of us. I nodded and looked down at the screen. It had black background and white text that read 'The Lick'.

"The lick." I read, looking at it. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Is this one of those videos?" Dan asked. The video started playing.  Two people were standing in the center of a room and it was all black and white.

"What are they doing?" I asked, looking closer at the screen.

'Hey.' A man said, standing close to a lady.

"I feel so violated and the video's barely started." I said, sitting back. After a second of the two people standing in front of each other, they licked each others faces.

DinoCookies (Dan Howell/danisnotonfire Fan Fic) Dan Howell AUWhere stories live. Discover now