Chapter 20

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"Let's go make a gaming video." I said, sitting across from Dan at the dinning table. He placed his spoon in his bowl and looked up at me.

"Pardon me?" He asked, with a small smile.

"Let's make a gaming video." I added. He sat back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"You want to make a video on Me and Phil's gaming channel?" He asked with a small smirk. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"All you had to do was say no." I said, walking towards the fridge.

"I didn't mean it like that! If you want to make one, we can make one." He said, pouring his milk down the drain. I turned and looked at him.

"Okay. Let's go make a Sims video."

"A Sims video?" Dan whined, looking down at me. I grabbed both his hands.

"I don't know any games! I know about all the Sims game and Minecraft. That's as far as my gaming knowledge goes." I looked up at him. He sighed.

"Okay. Let's go make a gaming video." Dan said, walking down to the office. "Do you want it to be co-op or a single player let's play?" He asked, sitting down at the desk.

"Well, that depends, Dan. Do you want to play with me or not? I know you have a Sims series with Phil."

"I'll watch you." He smiled. He loaded up the game and the recording systems. He set up a camcorder for my face.

"Okay. All you have to do is create a new game." Dan said, standing up. I nodded and sat down.

"Its recording?" I looked up at him. He sat down in the bean bag and looked at me.

"Yep. All ready for you. I'll teach you how to edit gaming videos when you finish with what you want. It's pretty simple. Just like editing a vlog." Dan nodded. I nodded and click 'New Game'.

"Hello DanAndPhilGamers! Dino here! I'm here with my own series on the channel." I smiled and waved at the camera. Dan let out a small chuckle. "What?" I looked over at him.

"You're cute." He smiled. He knelt next to me so he was in the viewfinder.

"Now you want to be on this video." I teased. He pulled up a chair and sat in it.

"You know what. Why not." He smiled and grabbed my hand. I shook my head.

"We have to redo the intro! You noob!" I said, looking at Dan.

"So, redo the intro." He smiled and pecked my cheek. I rolled my eyes.

"Hello DanAndPhilGamers! Dino here!"

"And Dan!" Dan smiled and looked at me.

"We have a series together now on the channel!" I looked over at Dan.

"Assuming you read the title." Dan sassed.

"Ohh. Someone's sassy today." I winked at the camera. He shook his hand. "Anyways. Dan and I will be making our own Sims 4 video!" I smiled and looked at Dan.

"Again... Assuming you have read the title."

"Yeah yeah." I smiled. "How do we want to do this? Do we want to have a ship child or our own sims?

"I don't know. Chan? Daley? I think we should do our own Sims." Dan look at the camera and nodded.

"Okay. I make you, you make me?" I asked. He nodded.

"Ladies first." He smiled. I rolled my eyes and started making him.

"I think you should have this!" I smiled evilly at the camera. The option was Dan in a hot dog suit.

"No! Is that what you think of me?! A wiener!? Dan exclaimed. I laughed.

"No! Daniel! I am just teasing you! I'll do this." I said, clicking it so he was wearing a black shirt with a skull and black skinny jeans. "Better?" I asked, looking at Dan. He nodded. I finished up with his sim and he made me.

"What color are your eyes?" He asked, turning my head towards his face.

"You don't know what color my eyes are?" I asked, opening my eyes so he could look at them.

"Ah! Blue with a tint of green." He smiled and pecked my lips. I smiled and looked at the camera.

"Blue with a tint of green." I nodded. Dan made a noise.

"A beautiful shade of blue! A pretty shade of green!" Dan said, zooming in on the video game version of me. He zoomed in right on the eyes.

"Like that?" I turned and looked at him.

"No! Your eyes are way prettier than these ones!" Dan exclaimed. I rolled my eyes. Dan screwed around for a moments before he went to the out fits.

"Do you wear something like this?" He asked with a sly smile. The screen was of me in a really skanky skirt.

"What do you think?" I looked him. He looked at me and he had frighten in his eyes.

"Sorry." He said innocently and changing the outfit. He fixed it so the screen showed me wearing a green blazer, tan under shirt, and blue skirt.

"Better?" He asked, pointing at the screen.

"Better." I chuckled.

"What better fits your personality? Friendly or Scary?" Dan smiled at the camera. I sighed and looked at him. "Scary it is!"

"What better fits your personality? Clumsy or Stupid?" I asked, turning my head so he could see me winking.

"What do you think?"

"Honestly?" I asked. He nodded. "Both." I smiled and clicked it so his sim had both traits. He shook his head.

"Family Oriented or Hates Children?" He asked.

"Well, considering we both want children... Maybe Family Oriented." I nodded. "For both of us." I added and smiled. Dan nodded and clicked the trait for both of us.

"I think that's good." Dan said.

"Our relationship! We have to edit our relationship." I looked at the screen. Dan quickly fixed it so we had the "Girlfriend/Boyfriend" status.

"Do you think this is good for the first episode?" Dan asked in a whisper.m

"Yeah." I nodded. I looked at the camera and so did Dan.

"We're going to end it here. Come back next time for the adventures of Dino and Dan where we will be building a house!" I waved.

"Bye!" Dan waved. I kissed three of my fingers and touched them to the camera lens.

"That was fun." I smiled.

"Good. We can edit it within the next week." Dan said, stopping the recordings. I nodded.

DinoCookies (Dan Howell/danisnotonfire Fan Fic) Dan Howell AUWhere stories live. Discover now