Chapter 10

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Dan>Me: I asked Phil about you moving in... He said yes. :)

Me>Dan: awesome! When do we start?
Today's the day. The day I move...again. I'm moving in with Dan and Phil.

"Dan, can you get me a box? I need to quickly pack my photo frames." I yelled from my room, as I was taking the frames off my wall. Dan came in with two boxes. One medium and one large one.

"Which one, Love?" He asked, looking at me.

"That one." I said, pointing at the medium one. He placed the box on my bed and went to the living room and started to move furniture with Phil. I packed all my pictures and nick knacks into two boxes. Dan and Phil had packed away all my future in a storage facility (the landlord said I could have it.). All of my clothes and other things where already packed away.

"Are you ready, Charlotte?" Dan asked, coming up behind me. I stood in the middle of my empty apartment.

"Hm. Oh. Yeah." I nodded. I placed my keys on the counter and walked out with Dan.

"Is all the furniture in a unit?" I asked as we both carried a box out.

"Yeah. Everything is where it should be. Your clothes, and laptop is at our place. Furniture and large items are in a storage facility." He smiled and walked down the stairs before me. I carefully went down behind him. We went out and hailed a cab. Dan took my box and put it in the back of a cab. I slid in and not long after did Dan. He gave the cabbie his... I suppose I should say our address now. He gave the cabbie our address and we went off.

"I'm going to have to start calling it our place now." I chuckled and grabbed Dan's hand.

"Yep. It is our flat now." Dan chuckled. We talked about random things.

"Charlotte, when's your birthday?"

"January 27th." I smiled and looked up at him. "And you?"

"You already know when my birthday is. Do you want anything for your birthday?" He furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at me.

"Ah. You're right..." I nodded. Dan laughed. "June 11th." I added. "And no. I don't."

"Yep." He nodded. "Okay. That's sounds fair." We soon made it to our place and then we started unpacking my things.

"Alright, You get the closest I get the dresser?" Dan asked, placing a box on the ground next to our bed. There were boxes all scattered around in our room.

"Sounds fair." I nodded, and cut a box open. It was mostly my clothes. I started unpacking my clothes and hanging them up in the closet. Dan was unpacking my office things in the office. And, Phil was out getting groceries.

"Charlotte?" Dan called from the office.

"Yes, Dan?" I called back.

"Can you come here for a minute?"

"Yeah. Give me a second." I called, putting a frame on the nightstand on my side of the bed. It was a photo of my family. I quickly went down the hall and to the office.

"Yes, Dan?" I looked at him.

"How does this look?" He asked, fixing a nick knack on a desk. There were three desks in the slightly small office.

"Amazing." I smiled. "I think it needs a picture of us though." I looked up at Dan.

"A photo of us?" He asked with a small smile.

"Yeah." I nodded. Dan walked out of the office and to our room. Moments later, he came back with a Polaroid camera.

"You have one of those?" I asked, looking at him.

DinoCookies (Dan Howell/danisnotonfire Fan Fic) Dan Howell AUWhere stories live. Discover now